Regular Meeting


02/01/2010, 7:00 PM

Members Present: Chairman, Ken Selzler, Supervisor, Paul Zent; Zoning Board, Jerry Kunz; Building Inspector, Steve Ressler; Assessor, Ed Daniels, Weed Board, Terry Mauch, Treasurer, Shawn Whitney and Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger

Members Absent: Supervisor, Dave Nehring and Zoning Board Mike Michelanko
Chairman Selzler opened the meeting and the minutes from the previous meeting were called for and read. With no corrections or additions, Supervisor Zent made a motion to accept the minutes as read, 2nd by Chairman Selzler. The motion was unanimously approved with Supervisor Zent and Chairman Selzler voting in favor of the motion.

School Board Report: No report due to the absence of a school board member.

Road Supervisor’s Report: Supervisor Wolf said the signs would be put up on 66th St SE & 62nd Ave SE in the spring. There was a discussion about the terrible gravel the township received last year. Supervisor Wolf said the county wants the supervisors to visit the pits so they can approve the gravel for the next season’s graveling. There was also a question about the rest of the payment to the county for the gravel. The supervisors said the remaining bill for the gravel must be paid. There was also reports of frost heaves on Apple Creek Road east of Farmer’s and a bad heave around 109th St. Supervisor Wolf will contact the county and request warning signs.

Weed Board: Terry Mauch had no report

Zoning Board: Chairman Selzler opened the Zoning Board. The city of Bismarck and ACT have come to an agreement regarding the ETA. Bismarck will keep the zoning within 2 miles of its corporate limits. ACT and Bismarck will have joint jurisdiction within the area from 2 miles and four miles of Bismarck. Bismarck will also keep jurisdiction of the 100-year flood plain. A discussion followed resulting in a motion from Supervisor Zent to accept the 2010 Extra Territorial Jurisdiction Agreement 2nd by Zoning Board member Jerry Kunz. The motion was unanimously approved with Supervisor Zent, Zoning Board Kunz and Chairman Selzler voting in favor of the motion. Country View Estates zoning was turned back to ACT with the new agreement between Bismarck & ACT so the process will continue. The lot size for the development will have to be worked out. With no further discussion Chairman Selzler closed the Zoning Board and reconvened the regular meeting of ACT

Building Inspector’s Report: Steve Ressler have one building permit Dave Johnson @ 8550 Palomino Drive for a 40’x 61’ shop.

Assessor’s Report: Assessor Daniels had no report

Web Page Update: Chairman Selzler contacted three companies about web page design and the upfront cost will be between $1,500 and $1,800 and then the monthly cost + any additional updating cost.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Whitney had four invoices to pay after review Supervisor Zent made a motion to pay all bills submitted for payment, 2nd by Chairman Selzler. The motion was unanimously approved with Supervisor Zent and Chairman Selzler voting in favor of the motion.

10111  $    459.62 US Treasury taxes
10112  $      53.51 Cyndy Meidnger office supply reimbursements
10113  $      96.00 US  Postmaster post office box
10114  $    225.00 AC School Board utilities/copy machine
10115  $18,540.13
subtotal  $19,374.26
previous total  $11,212.55    
ytd total  $30,586.81    

Chairman Selzler reminded everyone of the Annual Meeting and Election to be held on March 16th & there are 2 positions open for election one Supervisor and one Zoning Board.

Supervisor Zent said Chairman Selzler was nominated to the city planning & zoning committee for the City Commission.

Chairman Selzler asked if there was any other business to discuss being none he adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cyndy Meidnger,
Clerk ACT

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