Regular Meeting


12/07/2015, 7 PM

Members Present: Chairman, Ken Selzler, Supervisors Kerry Olson & Paul Zent; Zoning Board Member, Jerry Kunz; Road Supervisor, Chad Schneider; Weed Board, Terry Mauch; Building Inspector, Shawn Whitney; Treasurer, Kaylene Schoenhard & Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger

Members Absent: Assessor, Mark Splonskowski and Zoning Board Member, Rick Solberg

Chairman Ken Selzler opened the meeting. The minutes from the November meeting were discussed and Supervisor Olson noted several changes. After discussion Supervisor Zent made a motion to approve with the corrections made, 2nd by Supervisor Olson. The motion was unanimously approved. 

School Board Report: No one present to represent the school board no report.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Schoenhard reported there was a closing balance in November of $122,056.45, deposit of $9864.20 and debits of $680.36 with an opening balance of $131,240.29.

Treasurer Schoenhard stated there were 13 bills presented for payment. It was determined by the board to table the payment for the bill for gravel on Paintball Way $899.99 until the January meeting. With no further discussion Supervisor Olson made a motion to pay all bills submitted except for invoice #2015000579 with a 2nd from Paul Zent. The motion was unanimously approved.





Burleigh county

Assessment license

 $                       275.00


ND Tax Commissioner

4 Qtr. Tax

 $                       250.00


Shawn Whitney

Nov Inspections

 $                       221.23


Cyndy Meidinger

Supply Re-imbursements

 $                         20.00


Paul Zent

4 Qtr.  Wages

 $                       100.00


Ken Selzler

4 Qtr. Wages

 $                       200.00


Chad Schneider

4 Qtr. Wages

 $                         87.55


Kaylene Schoenhard

4 Qtr. Wages

 $                         80.00


Cyndy Meidinger

4 Qtr. Wages

 $                       860.00


Jerry Kunz

4 Qtr. Wages

 $                         60.00


Terry Mauch

4 Qtr. Wages

 $                         40.00


Kerry Olson

4 Qtr. Wages

 $                         60.00



 $                   2,253.78


Clerk Meidinger asked if one of the Board Supervisors could get a list of deposits from 2013 to present from Dakota Community Bank.  Supervisor Selzler stated the bank charges $40.00/hour to generate this report. After discussion Supervisor Olson made a motion to approve the request for deposits from Dakota Community Bank, with a 2nd from Supervisor Zent. Roll call vote Supervisor Zent, no; Supervisor Olson, yes; Chairman Selzler, yes; Motion Carried.   

Zoning Board Report: Board member Kunz had no report.

Weed Board: Board Member Mauch reported there is a problem on 76th Ave SE off 93rd St SE with some trees hanging over the road that are causing problems for traffic. A discussion followed with Supervisor Zent making a motion to contact Lorin Wolf and have him clean up the tress on the north side of the road, Supervisor Olson 2nd the motion.  The motion was unanimously approved.

Assessor’s Report: Supervisor Zent stated Assessor Splonskowski would not be at the meeting; but he is taking the classes for certification and he is working on updating the assessments.

Road Supervisor’s Report: Supervisor Schneider stated Burleigh County will raise the fee for approach/culvert permits from $25.00 to 50.00 as of January 1st, 2016. It would be his recommendation for ACT to follow the County’s lead and increase our fee also.  A discussion followed with Supervisor Zent making a motion to increase the approach/culvert fee to $50.00 effectively January 1, 2016. He also stated that Supervisor Schneider will make the final decision if a culvert would be needed. Supervisor Olson 2nd the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.

Road Maintenance agreement was discussed and after discussion Supervisor Zent made a motion to approve and pay the 2016 Road Maintenance Agreement with Burleigh county for $15,988.35 Supervisor Olson 2nd the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.

 Building inspector Whitney stated the county put counters on 119th St SE & Elsa Rosa and would like Supervisor Schneider to contact the county to get the results and see if there was a possibility of future improvement on the above named roads.

Building Inspector’s Report:  Inspector Whitney had 3 inspections for Tank, garage addition, thickened footing inspection & final house inspection. 

Curren, framing and final inspection.

Nathan & Kristy Wood, final inspection & certificate of occupancy.

Pifer, framing inspection.

Aune, permit new construction & footing inspection.

Permit for Frank & Kelli Conson 8565 Sunrise Ave 12’x16’ lean to (barn) to replace wind damaged building.  Permit #2015-27 valuation of $4032.00 permit fee $60.00 paid check #1020

Supervisor Selzler stated the owner of Paul Cain’s former residence is parking a lot of company vehicles on the property. He would like inspector Whitney to contact the owner of the property and inform him of the townships position on company vehicles and running a business on residential property.

City of Lincoln is turning over their building permits to Burleigh County.  Inspector Whitney asked the board about their opinion on the training in Chaska MN in February. It was decided to table the discussion until the January meeting. 

Other Business: Zoning Board member Kunz thanked Road Supervisor Schneider for his work to get Northgate improved.

Supervisor Olson said representatives for Burleigh County Land Use would like to attend a meeting. There is nothing that would affect ACT but there are things going on around the township that residents might find interesting. Supervisor Olson suggested they attend the February meeting. The supervisors agreed to the February meeting so it could be placed on the agenda. 


Compensation for the board members was discussed. Right now the board is paid $20.00 per monthly meeting with a cap of $60.00/day.  A discussion followed it was determined that a measure would need to be on the ballot for an increase on the monthly meeting.

Also discussed was compensation for board members for onsite meetings other than the regularly scheduled monthly meetings. After discussion Supervisor Olson made a motion to pay state rate for mileage to and from the site with compensation of $20.00/hr. with time based on 15min increments (example meeting was 1 hr. 10 min. would get paid $25.00. The increase would take effect January 1st 2016, Supervisor Zent 2nd the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.

With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Selzler.

Respectfully Submitted

Cyndy Meidinger

ACT Clerk

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