Regular Meeting


05/02/2016, 7 PM

Members Present: Chairman Ken Selzler; Supervisors Kerry Olson & Paul Zent; Zoning Board Members Jerry Kunz & Rick Solberg; Road Supervisor, Chad Schneider; Weed Board, Terry Mauch; Building Inspector, Shawn Whitney, Treasurer, Kay Schoenhard and Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger

Members Absent: Assessor, Mark Splonskowski

Chairman Selzler opened the meeting @ 7:PM the first item was to discuss the previous month’s minutes and to approve as written or make corrections. Chairman Selzler asked for discussion. Supervisor Olson noted 2 name corrections Rachel Drewlow and Joel Quonbeck were missed or incorrect in the minutes draft and an incomplete sentence was corrected. Clerk Meidinger will make the noted corrections. Supervisor Zent made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected with a 2nd from Supervisor Olson; The motion was unanimously approved, motion was carried.

Next item was to vote on the chairman for the upcoming year. Supervisor Zent made a motion to nominate Supervisor Olson as Chairman for 2016-2017 with a 2nd from Chairman Selzler. The motion was unanimously approved. With the change in chairman of the board Chairman Selzler turned the meeting over to Chairman Olson.

School Board Report: Larry Rohde was present to report the school year will end on May 26th.  All teachers signed contracts for the upcoming year except for one kindergarten teacher but that person might still sign.

 He also reported there are some trees that need to be trimmed and or removed and wanted to get input from the board if they would consider a cost share. A discussion followed resulting with Chairman Olson stating the board does a cost share with expenses on the school. Supervisor Zent made the motion to approve the 50-50 cost share for tree trimming & or removal with a 2nd by Supervisor Selzler. The motion was unanimously approved. Chairman Olson suggested the school make arraignments and give the bill to the township for a cost share.

Mr. Rohde also stated Nathan Jensen would be willing to donate 3 -20’ green ash trees to the school. Mr. Rohde asked if the board would be willing to accept the trees and where the board would like the trees planted if accepted. A discussion followed with Chairman Olson stating the board would accept the donation of the trees and requested the school board and teachers make the determination where the trees should be planted following the ACT guidelines. 

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Schoenhard reported she did not have the balance for the accounts because Dakota Community bank doesn’t send out statements until the 1st of the month and they would not give balance information over the phone.  Treasurer Schoenhard stated she would contact Dakota Community Bank and get the balances so they can be included in the May minutes.

She stated there was only one invoice submitted for payment. The invoice submitted is to the Kramer Agency for Commercial General Liability for $313.00. A discussion followed resulting in a motion from Supervisor Zent to pay the invoice from the Kramer Agency with a 2nd from Supervisor Selzler, the motion was unanimously approved.

Zoning Board Report:  Zoning Board member Kunz reported there is a lot of dirt work going on 66th St SE and North Gate. It is in the City of Lincoln and Burleigh County jurisdiction at this point the board has not been informed of the plan for this property.

Bill Faiman on behalf of Rick Solberg and family was present to present a revised zoning change to subdivide the parcel: E1/2SW1/4 Section 3, Twp138 range 79 for an 80-acre subdivision containing 5 acre lots. Chairman Olson suspend the regular meeting to open the zoning board to hear the request. Zoning Board member Kunz said since the request was revised to meet the ACT requirements about the lot size he did not see a problem with the request. With the increased lot size ACT does not require the roads in the development to be paved. Chairman Olson said the next step would be for Mr. Faiman and the Solberg’s to go the county commission and get their input. Mr. Faiman will need to get some preliminary plat maps for the board to review.

The board also had a request from Larry Bayer who lives in Mees Subdivision to build a shop to store his classic vehicles he is looking @ 36x60 = 2160 sq. ft. or 32x60= 1920 sq. ft. this building would need a variance because of the additional sq. ft.  After discussion Chairman Olson said the first step is to contact the covenants committee in Mees addition and see if the larger building would be allowed.  After Mr. Bayer would get approval from the Mees covenants committee he would also need to get 80% of the landowners in the subdivision to approve of the building to meet ACT requirements.  With no further discussion on any of the above items Chairman Olson adjourned the Zoning Board and reconvened the regular meeting of ACT

Weed Board Repot: Board member Mauch had nothing to report.

Assessor’s Report: Assessor Splonskowski was not @ the meeting so no report.

Road Supervisor’s Report Supervisor Schneider reported he and Supervisor Olson meet in April for a road inspection and make a determination of gravel plans for the 2016 season to present findings @ the May meeting. Supervisor Schneider gave a cost estimate for the gravel is $21,627.00 the estimated mileage cost is 44,505.00 giving an estimated total of $66,132.00. This year Circle C will do the gravel hauling because Guthmiller lost the bid. A discussion followed with Supervisor Selzler making a motion to approve the 2016 gravel plan recommended by Supervisors Schneider and Olson with a 2nd by Supervisor Zent, the motion was unanimously approved.

Supervisor Schneider also said there is a tree issue on Sunrise Ave with some trees in the ditch overhanging the road way. A discussion followed with the board recommending contacting Lorin Wolf and see if he can do the cleanup. Supervisor Selzler made a motion to approve the tree clean up on Sunrise Ave and contacting Lorin Wolf to do the work if he has the time, the motion was 2nd by Supervisor Zent and the motion was unanimously approved.

Supervisor Schneider will contact Lorin Wolf to see if he can do the tree cleanup.

There was one approach permit issued by Supervisor Schneider to Kurt Wetzel @ 1200 Meadow Run Dr. permit # 4-16-1200 cost $50.00 Pd ck # 2833

There were several residents from Mees Addition to discuss the findings of the board about 119th St SE. Supervisor Zent read a letter from Marcus Hall, Burleigh County Engineer. In the letter Engineer Hall stated the county will eventually take control of the road; but not in the near future. He also stated the cost of paving from 5th Ave SE to Apple Creek Road would be approximately $200,000.00 if the county were to do the project there would be a cost share of 50% on equipment; but the township would be responsible for 100% of the material and labor cost. Mr. Hall also stated this year would be a good time to do the project because of the lowered cost of material and fuel and the county has less projects in the works right now.  Engineer Hall also said about 1/2 of the traffic count is from Mees Addition and the remaining traffic is from surrounding developments and through traffic. Also the county will put a chloride treatment on a 200-300’ portion of the roadway the county will not treat the entire gravel portion of 119th St SE.  This portion of the work could be done by June 1st depending on weather and the county’s schedule It was also suggested the residents of Mees get as many residents together and get on the commission agenda to talk to the commissioners about getting help from the county for paving of 119th St. Supervisor Zent also suggested they have one spokesperson for the group address the county commission meeting. The board will contact Engineer Hall and get the numbers nailed down for paving costs on 119th and have them for the June meeting so everyone will have a better idea of the cost of the project. Supervisor Zent did not want to give a special tax assessment dollar amount for Mees because there are no final figures but $ 3636.00 was put out for the residents to consider.

Building Inspector’s Report: Inspector Whitney 3 final inspections Stein, Fiel, & Markwed and a footing inspection for Seibel. He also had a Framing and final inspection for Hoffman.  Inspector had one new building permit for Steve Johnson @ 9401 Creekside Drive for a new home 2824 sq. ft. home with finished basement and 1016 sq. ft. garage. The valuation of the home is $488,826.00 permit cost $1750.00. Inspector Whitney said the county made a change in their building fee structure adding an additional fee between a fee tier.  A discussion followed and the board decided at this time not to change ACT building fee structure.

New Business: Apple Creek Country Club had a representative present to get the permission for renewal of the Country Club’s liquor license. This is a yearly request to allow the Country Club to get their license renewed. Supervisor Zent made the motion to approve the request from the country club to get their liquor license renewed Supervisor Selzler 2nd the motion and the motion was unanimously approved.

Supervisor Olson asked if there was any other business to discuss being none he adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted

Cyndy Meidinger

Clerk ACT

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