Regular Meeting


07/11/2016, 7PM

Members Present, Chairman, Kerry Olson, Supervisors Paul Zent and Ken Selzler; Road Supervisor, Chad Schneider; Weed Board, Jerry Kunz; Building Inspector, Shawn Whitney & Clerk Cyndy Meidinger.

Members Absent: Zoning Board Rick Solberg; Treasurer, Kay Schoenhard & Assessor Mark Splonskowski.

School Board Report: No one present from school board to give report. Clerk Meidinger said she would contact Dottie from the school to find out the township portion of the bill for tree removal and cleanup and present the bill @ the August meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Schoenhard was not @ the meeting to give a report. Clerk Meidinger said she had 1 bill from WSI to pay for $252.50. She also said she misplaced the check # 10633 to Burleigh County and wanted to reissue the check and when she finds the check she will void the original. After discussion Supervisor Zent made a motion to pay all bills presented with a 2nd from Supervisor Selzler. The motion was unanimously approved.

There was a discussion on how to proceed on finding a replacement for Treasurer Schoenhard. It was decided to close the date for job applications to be July 22nd and the interviews will be held on July 28th.

Zoning Board: The Zoning Board had a variance to review from Gary Hartze 5313 Southview Lane in Prairie View Subdivision.  He was requesting a change in setback for a garage due to the slope of his yard. He was requesting a change from 50’ to 30’. A discussion followed with the following result. Supervisor Zent made a motion to approve the variance request from 50’ to 30’ to allow a garage to be built. The motion was unanimously approved.

Weed Board: Weed Board Member Mauch stated that Fertilawn sprayed all weeds that were flagged.

Assessor’s Report: No report due to the absence of Assessor Splonskowski.

Road Supervisors Report: Supervisor Schneider stated the county started graveling township roads and he made the decision not to gravel 132nd St which is a split with Boyd Township. He was told Boyd did not have the funds pay for their share of the gravel and he felt it was not fair for ACT to pay for the whole cost so 132nd did not get gravel.

There is also a question on an approach for Michael Grady. Right now his approach is 120’ and the approach should be 32’ After discussion Supervisor Zent made a motion to have the county take out the approach and bill the landowner the full cost of the project. The motion was unanimously approved.

There was also a problem with Tony Tank putting in an approach on his property with no permit. Mr. Tank will need to purchase an approach permit and bring said approach up  to county specs a date for compliance will be determined @ the August meeting.

119th St.  There are 2 avenues of pursuit. 1 the township could contract the job out on their own to a cost of $400,000.00 and do the cost share.  2nd would be to have county do the work when they could get the project done it would cost approximately $200,000.00 and there would be a 3 way split, county, township and residents of Mees Subdivision.

Building Inspectors Report: Inspector Whitney submitted 3 building permits and 1 variance

Permit # 2016-6 Kurt & Denise Wetzel 1200 Meadow Run Drive for a 1200 sq. ft. shop 30’x40’ with 10’ sidewalls and slab valuation of work $25,000.00 permit fee $200.00.

Permit #2016-7 Mike and Julie Gandy 11001 Lake View Drive, Country View Estates for a detached garage 36’x50’ full foundation with 14 & 16’ sidewalls valuation of work $37,800.00 permit fee $350.00

Permit #2016-8 Dom and Megan Reis 8127 Jeaner Place City View Heights new house fully finished with 80’ concrete deck and 272sq. ft. rear deck valuation of work $421,926.00 permit fee and certificate of occupancy $1775.00

Variance Roy & Renee Seibel 1201 Apple Way   for a 2100sq. ft. shop on 4.5 acres.

Total permit fees for the month of July $2,425.00

Inspector Whitney said there was a problem with a house for Jamie Seim there needs to be 5/8” fire rated sheetrock between the house and garage. Terry Mauch said he would bring this to Mr. Seim’s attention.

Carol Hankinson has a building 40’x 14’ too close to the road and needs a permit for the building also.

There is a problem with the person on 80th St SE and Apple Creek Road dumping raw sewage into Apple Creek.  After discussion Supervisor Olson said he would contact the ND Health Dept. to see how to proceed with this.

Other Business: Kit Konshack was at the meeting with a complaint about what was going on 66th St SE and North Gate Dr. There is a lot of dirt work going on there and there are a lot of storage units on the property.  There is a possibility the storage containers have some type of hazardous waste stored in side.

The property is in the City of Lincoln’s jurisdiction but the ACT board will keep an eye on the on the situation.

There were more complaints on the property owned by CK Auto with them not removing the autos and also adding more autos to the property. A letter will be sent asking Mr. Krein to attend the August meeting to discuss the issue in detail. There was a motion made by Supervisor Zent to fine the property owners $100.00 per car if the cars were not moved with in 30 days. The motion was 2nd by Supervisor Selzler and the motion was unanimoulsly approved.

It was also decided to pursue getting legal counsel for the township. Supervisor Selzler said he would research the legal options open to the township and report back @ the August meeting.

Inspector Whitney said his neighbor was not mowing his grass and wanted the township to send a letter requesting the lot be mowed. Supervisor Zent suggested Mr. Whitney contact the covenants committee regarding this problem. Supervisor Zent also stated that the covenants committee could not pick and choose what they would or would not enforce.

With no other business to discuss Chairman Selzler closed the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted

Cyndy Meidinger

Clerk ACT

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