Regular Meeting


11/07/2016, 7:PM

Members present: Chairman Kerry Olson; Supervisor Paul Zent; Road Supervisor Chad Schneider; Assessor Mark Splonskowski; Zoning Board Members Jerry Kunz and Rick Solberg; Weed Board Member Terry Mauch.

Members absent: Supervisor, Ken Selzler and Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger.

Open Positions:  Building Inspector, Treasurer & Supervisor.

Chairman Olson opened the meeting. Supervisor Zent made the motion to approve the October minutes. Chairman Olson seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.

School Board Report: Larry Rhode presented four bills for repairs to Apple Creek School: Great American Trucking, Lawn Seeding and snow fence and hoses.

The school is considering replacing existing door locks with electronic ones. One bid received was $17,000. 

An insurance adjuster did not find hail damage to the shingles on the school building. Rain gutters had some damage. School was locked down for two hours recently due to threats from a disgruntled man.

Zoning Board: C&K Auto moved many of the autos from the township.

Chairman Olson suspended the regular meeting of ACT and opened the Zoning Board to address complaints on the dog kennel owned by Kenton and Lisa Magilke. Kenton and Lisa Magilke were there to respond to complaints about their kennel. Mr. Magilke reported that the extra dogs had been in the kennel for a short time. They have since been removed. He said that after they were informed of barking complaints they immediately bought non-barking devices and installed them inside and outside the premises. They were not aware of any other complaints. A letter from the Steele Veterinary Clinic that the dogs were well cared for was submitted. A letter from Marlene Wolf stating that the dogs were well cared for and a letter from Lisa Magilke detailing the background of the kennel location and the steps they have taken to establish and maintain it were also submitted.

 A petition circulated by Charles Serr to show support for the removal of the dog breeding business where the owners do not reside in the housing addition. It also indicated that removal was necessary because of the constant barking of puppies and adult dogs. Forty-four residents and Marv Abraham, a neighbor, signed the petition. Residents spoke against puppy mills, that the owners don’t reside on site, and the negative affect it has on property values. It was also stated that the subdivision’s covenants do not allow for more than four dogs. Zoning Board member Kunz made a motion to rescind the variance and have the kennel removed by December 30, 2016. Supervisor Zent seconded the motion. Zoning Board Member Solberg suggested that January 31, 2017 would be more appropriate. The motion to have the kennel removed by December 30, 2016 passed with board members Kunz & Solberg and Supervisor Zent voting in favor. Board member Olson voted against.

Lengenfelder Subdivision: Josh Lengenfelder told the board that he had received approval from the adjoining landowners for his plans to subdivide the east 1/2 of lot 6 in C&L Estates.

With no further Zoning Board issues to discuss, Chairman Olson closed the Zoning Board and reconvened the regular meeting of ACT.

Treasurer’s Report: Account balance as of 10/31/16 was $175,4763.52. There were no bills that required payment.  

Road Supervisor’s Report: Road Supervisor Schneider reported that an approach permit was issued to Tony Tank. All the roads are wash boarded because it has been dry for so long.    Chairman Olson recognized Michael Gandy, who attended the meeting at the request of the board. Mr. Gandy had been notified that his approach is wider than allowed by county standards. Road Supervisor Schneider will meet with Mr. Gandy to determine the needed reduction.

Assessor’s Report: Assessor Splonskowski reported that he had finished agricultural valuations in the township.

Building Inspector’s Report: Don Murray requested a building permit for an additional dog kennel/dog training facility. The board advised him that a permit would be issued when they could get someone to t inspect the site.

Weed Board Report: Weed Board Member Mauch had nothing to report.

Other Business Greg Johnson, a retired registered land surveyor, introduced himself to the board. He is working with Arnold Schieve concerning access to the section line over the private railroad crossing on the west end of the section. Supervisor Zent told Mr. Johnson that the board had addressed the issue in the past. Based on the information from the landowners and county and railroad records the issued had been settled in the past. The board is open to review any findings and to provide what assistance it can, if requested.

Terry Berg told the board about condition of their neighbor’s lot. Terry and Debra Hoarer reside at 9005 Lincoln Road. Many pallets and other assorted items gives the site the look of a dump ground. In addition, there are farm animals and fowl. Small shacks have been constructed. An increase in rodents has been observed. Mrs. Berg is concerned about the vermin and the affect the appearance has on property values. Supervisor Zent stated that the county health department should be contacted. the Board will work on sending a registered letter to the Hoerer’s to attend a township meeting.

There was no other business and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted

Chairman Kerry Olson

In the absence of Clerk Meidinger

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