Regular Meeting


02/13/2017, 7PM

Members Present: Chairman, Kerry Olson and Supervisor, Paul Zent; Road Supervisor, Chad Schneider; Weed Board, Terry Mauch; Building Inspector, Greg Hillig and Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger.

Members Absent: Zoning Board, Jerry Kunz and Rick Solberg; Assessor, Mark Splonskowski; Treasurer, Keith Bayley and Supervisor, Dave Nehring.

School Board Report:  There was question about who was to get the bid for the main school building roof to be done in metal. Niles Schwartz was suggested to the board as a person to contact about a bid for the roof. The AC School board is also working out the logistics of sending the 6th graders to Bismarck.  The grades are divided K-5 are elementary, 6-8 middle school and 9-12 high school. The biggest problem to be solved is the tuition. Right now, AC School cannot use the high school funds for tuition for the 6th graders.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Bayle was not present to give a report.  Clerk Meidinger reported the balance in the checking account as of January 31-2017, was $205,878.52. in that balance was an ach deposit from Burleigh Co. on 1-11-2017 for $25,642.12 from general fund. 3 invoices were submitted for payment, Burleigh County for 2017 Maintenance Agreement for $22,383.69; NRG Technology Services anti-virus for township computer, Greg Hillig for Nov & Dec 2016 hours and mileage and reimbursement for Building Codes Book for a total of $584.94 and Cyndy Meidinger $7.63 reimbursement for keys for township office. After discussion Supervisor Zent made a motion to pay all bills submitted, Chairman Olson 2nd the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.

Zoning Board: Mr. Magilke was at the meeting and said he now has a place in Sterling where he will move dogs. The board questioned Mr. Magilke as to when they could expect the dogs to be removed. Mr. Magilke said the snow was causing a problem because he needed to use handyman jacks to lift the building up so the wheels could be put back on the trailer so it could be moved. The board strongly recommended with the upcoming nice weather that it would behoove Mr. Magilke to use that window of opportunity to get the building and the dogs moved off the property. If the dogs and building were not moved Mr. Magilke would need to come to the March meeting to give an update on the progress.

C&K Auto Update: Grady Wolf was at the meeting and was extremely frustrated because the cars were not removed from Chris Krein’s property. He feels the board is not doing due diligence to get the cars moved. He also stated a motion was omitted in the January minutes giving a time frame for removal of the vehicles. Supervisor Zent stated Supervisor Nehring wanted to wait until the February meeting so he would have time to contact Mr. Krein. Supervisor Nehring felt since he had no prior knowledge of the issue, so he would be more impartial therefore it might be easier to bring the issue to conclusion. Also, he would contact Clerk Meidinger and give her a report of the meeting so a letter concerning what was talked about at that meeting could be sent to Mr. Krein. Also in that Mr. Krein would be asked to attend the February meeting to discuss the issue. Clerk Meidinger contacted Supervisor Nehring but at the time he was not able to talk due to illness and said he would get back to her. Since there was no further contact no letter was sent.

After discussion Supervisor Zent made a motion to have Clerk Meidinger send Mr. Krein a letter asking him to come to the March 6th meeting of ACT. At that time, Mr. Krein will be provided the opportunity to provide his side of the story as to why the vehicles have not been removed. The motion was seconded by Chairman Olson. The motion was unanimously approved. Supervisor Zent went on to state he hopes that the vehicles could be removed by March 31st.

Clerk Meidinger stated the board needs to find an attorney to help get in situations like the Magilke and Krein dispute. The board will research it options and report back.

Weed Board: Nothing to report.

Assessor’s Report: Assessor Splonskowski was not present so no update was given. There was discussion on the Nathan Jenson Disabled Veteran’s Credit property address 6500 Omar St. Mr. Jensen provided all documentation to the auditor office.  James and Marcie Feit   315 Barson Lane NE Bismarck property was over assessed. Supervisor Zent contacted the assessor’s office and all abatements are reviewed before being sent to the township for approval/denial. After discussion Supervisor Zent made a motion to approve the Veteran’s Credit for Jensen and the abatement for Feit. The motion was 2nd by Supervisor Olson. The motion was unanimously approved.

Road Supervisor’s Report: Supervisor Schneider stated Joanie Sanda who lives on Susan Drive was concerned about possible flooding on her property do to an approach put in by Travis Albright her neighbor. It seems to be an issue because of the large snowfall this year.  Nothing can be done until the snow melts. Clerk Meidinger will check to see if an approach permit was obtained. Chuck Serr said there was a problem on Sunrise Ave before the first curve the road catches a lot of snow. The board thanked Mr. Serr for bringing it to the board’s attention. Supervisor Schneider will contact Lorin Wolf to see what can be done.

Building Inspector’s Report:  Building Inspector Hillig said several people have moved portable buildings on to their property and if they stay they will need to get building permits. Even though the ACT Zoning Ordinances state every building with a roof needs a permit, there is a minimum size limit that does not require a permit. There was a question on that size limit and Inspector Hillig will research the minimum requirement.

Other Business: Supervisor Zent reported on the lawsuit brought by Robert Bolinske v Brendon Schock, Christ Krein, City of Lincoln, etc. ACT received notification of the lawsuit because ACT was named in the suite. Supervisor Zent said the only involvement ACT had was that the lots were zoned residential and were changed to agricultural zoning. The City of Lincoln has jurisdiction of the property in question due to their extra territorial zoning.

Supervisor Olson asked if any other business needed to be addressed being none he adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted

Cyndy Meidnger

Clerk ACT


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