Regular Meeting


07/03/2017, 7PM

Members Present: Chairman, Paul Zent; Supervisors, Dave Nehring & Kerry Olson; Building Inspector, Greg Hillig; Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger; Treasurer, Jamie Vetsch and Zoning Board, Rick Solberg.

Members Absent: Assessor, Mark Splonskowski; Road Supervisor, Chad Schneider; Weed Board, Terry Mauch and Zoning Board, Jerry Kunz

Zent asked for corrections or additions to the June meeting minutes. Supervisor Nehring stated he and Marvin Abraham had a side conversation about the mud on the road causing a problem on Omar St. Marvin Abraham questioned why there was nothing mentioned about the statements that large trucks were dropping mud off the tires and causing problems with the road on Omar St and he felt he was being unfairly targeted as the cause of the problem. Zent said since it has been dry for such a long time this had not been an issue. He also stated that since Marvin Abraham was not at the meeting it would be discussed with him (Mr. Abraham) later. Mr. Abraham also stated he wanted to hear the recorded minutes. Clerk Meidinger said she said she deletes the minutes when she has the minutes written. With no other discussion Supervisor Nehring made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was 2nd by Supervisor Olson & the motion was unanimously approved.

School Board Report: There was no one present from the AC School Board to give a report. Chairman Zent said he did not know what was going to happen with the school now since the 6th grade will go to Bismarck.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Vetsch stated the checking account balance as of June 30th was $299,765.04 and a savings balance of $20,462.83 as of June 15th (saving balance statements are quarterly). She had a bill from Burleigh County for $62.186.06 for gravel on township roads. There was also a bill for the building insurance to the ND State Fire & Tornado Fund for $346.60 for the school building and all portables. Chairman Zent asked Supervisor Olson if he had a chance to look at the gravel bill from the county. Supervisor Olson said he had and it looked like the county followed the gravel request that he and Supervisor Schneider had specified. He also thought the county might have added a bit more gravel than asked for which he thought was good.

Treasurer Vetch also had checks to board members for meetings that got missed on last month’s payroll. After Discussion Supervisor Nearing made a motion to pay all bills presented. Supervisor Olson 2nd the motion and the motion was unanimously approved.



Dave Nehring

2nd Qtr. meetings



Kerry Olson

2nd Qtr. meetings



Paul Zent

2nd Qtr. meetings



Jerry Kunz

2nd Qtr. meetings



Rick Solberg

2nd Qtr. meetings



Greg Hillig

2nd Qtr. meetings



Mark Splonskowski

2nd Qtr. meetings



Chad Schneider

2nd Qtr. meetings



Terry Mauch

2nd Qtr. meetings



Jamie Vetsch

2nd Qtr. meetings



Cyndy Meidinger

2nd Qtr. meetings



ND Ins Dept.

building ins.



Burleigh Co






Zoning Board: Chairman Zent suspended the regular meeting of ACT to open the Zoning Board to discuss the Pahlke land access question. Dale Pahlke was at the meeting to discuss his proposal to the board. Supervisor Nearing stated there seems to be a misunderstanding of what is being asked for. He said he had been in contact with Mr. Pahlke and there are no plans as of now to sell more lots. Mr. Pahlke is just looking for access on 93rd St SE which he has obtained from Burleigh County. Mr. Pahlke is looking for 2 access points on 62nd St SE. for access to his pasture for moving cattle. A discussion followed, resulting in a motion from Supervisor Nehring allowing Dale Pahlke 2 approach permits off 62nd Ave SE 1 for moving cattle and the other would allow Trent Guthmiller access to his property. The motion also gave Road Supervisor Schneider approval to issue the 2 approach permits on 62nd St SE. The motion was 2nd by Zoning Board Member, Solberg. Roll Call Vote, Supervisor Nehring, yes; Zoning Board Member Solberg, yes; Supervisor, Olson yes and Chairman Zent, yes. Motion was Carried. Chairman Zent stated if there were to be any other development on the property bordering (93rd St SE and 62nd Ave SE) Mr. Pahlke would have to go through the subdivision process (county and township). Roads in the subdivision would not have to be paved but graveled and up to county specs for the township to take over maintenance. This would have to be done before any building permits could be issued. The subdivision process could be done in phases but would have to be Platted. The board will contact Road Supervisor Schneider and inform him that the approach permits could be issued to Mr. Pahlke.

C&K Auto: Mr. Krein was at the meeting and he wanted to thank the board for working with him and giving him the time he needed to get the vehicles off his property in ACT. Chairman Zent had pictures of the property that he had taken before the meeting today July 3rd) on his cell phone. He asked if anyone wanted to see the pictures that he had taken. There were also pictures provided by Grady for anyone who wanted to see the improvement. There are approximately 12 body parts on the property and 5 vehicles that are owned by Mr. Krein and the vehicles are registered, licensed and drivable. There are vehicles on the other side of the fence that belong to Mr. Krein’s neighbor. After discussion Supervisor Olson made a motion that the board of ACT considers this issue complete. Supervisor Nehring 2nd the motion Roll Call Vote, Supervisor Olson, yes; Supervisor Nehring, yes; Zoning Board Member Solberg, yes and Chairman Zent, yes; Motion Carried.

Chairman Zent closed the Zoning Board Meeting and reconvened the regular meeting of ACT.

Weed Board Report: No report due to the absence of Terry Mauch. There was a question about baby’s breath along Lincoln Road being a problem but it is not on the noxious weed list.

Assessor’s Report: No report due to the absence of Assessor Splonskowski.

Road Inspector’s Report: No report due to the absence of Supervisor Schneider. Chairman Zent did have a few updates. The county has completed graveling the township roads for the season. The roads could use some rain but we have no control over the rain.

119th St SE. The chloride treatment has been done on 119th. It helps but moisture there would also make a big difference. Chairman Zent has not heard from Marcus Hall about 119th St SE. Supervisor Nehring talked to Gabe Braun and Mr. Braun did not think Gibbs Township would have a problem with turning their portion over to Burleigh County. Chairman Zent talked to Dave Sander and Mr. Sander also stated he did not think Gibbs would have a problem with turning over their portion of 119th St SE. A discussion followed with Supervisor Olson making a motion to pay ¼ of the cost up to $100,000.00 for the paving of 119th St SE. after the county takes over and resurfaces 119th. Supervisor Nehring 2nd the motion; the motion was unanimously approved, Motion Carried. Chairman Zent does not know when the paving will happen it could be later this year or early next year. The county will bill the township when the project is complete.

Building Inspector’s Report: Inspector Hillig issued 5 permits for the month of June and 7 inspections.

  1. # 2017-8 James Hayden 5101 66th St SE pole barn with gravel floor 60’x30’x14’ 1800 sq. ft. fee $364.15 pd ck #3036 valuation $37,800.00

Permit 2017-9 Nathan Jensen 6500 Omar St 64’x32’x16’ pole barn 2048 sq. ft. fee $370.75 pd ck #410 valuation $43,000.00

Permit 2017-10 Josh Lengenfelder 8645 Pleasantview Drive new home with attached garage 63’x49’x10’ 2448 sq. ft. fee $1,273.00 pd ck #1144 valuation $246,877.00

  1. 2017-11 Allen Guthmiller 5050 93rd St SE covered front porch and entry 32’x8’x8’ 320 sq. ft. fee $197.75 pd ck #7518 valuation of $14,400.00

Permit 2017-12 Joe Gartner 11703 Elsa Rosa Dr. shed 20’x10’x8’ 120 sq. ft. fee $65.90 pd ck #2705

valuation $1,920.00

Total permit fees for June $2,271.55 total new valuation for June $343,997.00

Inspections Ben Heidt final pole barn, Josh Lengenfelder, footing inspection & wall inspection (concrete) and Lowell Malard, framing inspection and 3 other separate inspections. Inspector Hillig wanted to know if the township had any protocol on extra additional inspections for properties under construction. Mr. Hilling stated he had been made extra inspections to the same property. Chairman Zent said that Inspector Hilling should inform the individual that ACT has scheduled inspections. Additional inspections could be made but would incur additional charges including mileage and a per hour fee.

Inspector Hilling also asked if a letter had been sent to Caroline High Elk. Clerk Meidinger said one had not but she would get one sent out in July and request MS High Elk to attend the August meeting of ACT. Inspector Hillig said her shed is too close to the setback and if the shed is over 120 sq. ft. it need to be on a concrete slab. Clerk Meidinger said she would include that info in the letter.

Chairman Zent asked if anyone had any other business to discuss being none he adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cyndy Meidinger

Clerk, ACT

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