Regular Meeting


04/02/2018, 7:PM

Members Present: Supervisors, Paul Zent, Dave Nehring & Mark Springer; Assessor, Mark Splonskowski; Building Inspector, Greg Hillig; Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger; Road Supervisor, Chad Schneider; Treasurer, Jamie Vetsch; Weed Board, Terry Mauch and Zoning Board Jerry Kunz and Rick Solberg.

Chairman Vote: Supervisor Zent nominated Supervisor Dave Nehring to become the Chairman for 2018-2019, Supervisor Springer 2nd the nomination. The nomination was unanimously approved. Chairman Nehring took over the meeting.

Consent Agenda: Nothing to discuss

Apple Creek School Board Report: Erich Kroh reported the school board got 3 bids for a security system update. The school board chose BEK for the lease. There will be a lease agreement for the equipment rather than purchasing equipment which will be less expensive than purchasing the equipment. The lease agreement is for 3 years which will include a 3-year warranty. When the lease comes due, the school board can upgrade cameras at their option and then will get another 3-year warranty. Additional equipment will be installed after the school year comes to an end in May.

Clerk Meidinger contacted John Nelson from North Dakota State Storm and Tornado Fund. Since the school board purchases insurance for contents and the township purchases insurance for the building it might be better to have the school buy the insurance for the building and the contents which would save on the deductible amount when damage occurs. Clerk Meidinger will contact Barbara Mehloff, the underwriter for the insurance company and discuss this further. It was determined the school should have a current appraisal and Northwest Appraisal Company was suggested, since they do a lot of business with schools. Supervisor Zent also suggested contacting Brent Voegele, a former assessor for the township who does appraisal work. The school board will be holding several public hearings on a 3 to 5-year plan for Apple Creek School.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Vetsch stated as of the end of March the savings balance is $20,478.14 and a checking balance of $326,969.97. She has 2 tribune bills for legal ads for the annual meeting & election & tax equalization meetings. She needs to update 1st quarter payroll so 1st quarter taxes of $390.00 can be paid. Clerk Meidinger said the budget needed to be revised because it shows a negative balance because of data input. Clerk Meidnger and Treasurer Vetsch will do more work on it and contact Barb Knutson or Clyde Thomspon and get it figured out. After discussion Supervisor Zent made a motion to accept the treasure’s report and pay all bills submitted. Supervisor Springer 2nd the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.

Zoning Board: Chairman Nehring suspended the regular meeting of ACT and opened the Zoning Board. Mike Bakke, from Apple Creek Country Club Subdivision residents  the ACT board for support to oppose the zoning change for Apple Creek Country Club 3rd Subdivision lots 5 & 6, which would combine them into a 2.5-acre lot with 12 or 13 homes. Mr. Bakke stated the residents of the subdivision are opposed to the zoning change. Apple Creek Country Club 1st & 2nd are single and twin family homes only. He also stated twin homes are not considered multifamily homes. Building Inspector Hilling said he had heard that there would be 4-unit buildings. Earlier there was a meeting of the Bismarck Planning and Zoning Commission in which the zoning change was tabled until April. Chairman Zent stated he thought the zoning change was a ‘consent agenda’ item and would not be voted on at the March meeting. He was surprised that there was not ample time allowed for notice to the citizens of the subdivision from Bismarck Planning and Zoning. He also stated he did not know how much weight ACT carried in the issue. Chairman Nehring stated that the multi family homes went against the viewpoint of ACT and its residents. Building Inspector Hillig and Zoning Board Member Solberg stated if multifamily (4 plex units or larger) were allowed this would pave the way for multi-unit apartment buildings. Once allowed would there would be no stopping the expansion and the rural life style could be threatened in ACT. After further discussion on the issue Supervisor Springer made a motion to oppose the zoning change to RN10 for multifamily units for the Apple Creek Country Club 3rd Addition lots 5 & 6. Zoning Board Member, Rick Solberg 2nd the motion. Roll Call Vote Supervisor Springer, yes; Zoning Board Members, Jerry Kunz, yes; Rick Solberg, yes; Supervisor Zent, yes and Chairman Nehring, yes; Motion Carried. Supervisor Zent said someone from the township board should be present @ the Bismarck Planning & Zoning Meeting. With no other zoning business to discuss Chairman Nehring closed the zoning board and reconvened the regular meeting of ACT

Assessor’s Report: The disabled credit for Ben & Ida Erickson is for her, she is disabled and qualifies for the credit. The assessor’s office said the credit form was correct. Assessor Splonskowski said everything is quiet and the tax equalization meeting is Thursday, April 12th @7:PM @ the school. He said he sent out about 11 notices mostly for new builds.

Building Inspector’s Report: Inspector Hillig had 3 inspections, one new permit #2018-2 for Lucas & Sara Brendel @ 1785 80th St SE for a new home 1856 sq. ft. valuation of work $332,054.00 permit fee $1552.25 paid ck# 3824. Inspector Hilling did turn in payment for permit # 2018-01 Cory Halverson check #2116 for $324.00

  1. Supervisor’s Report: Supervisor Schneider said things were quiet. There was a call about Sterling Drive that needed gravel. Neither Lincoln or Burleigh County claim the road. Looking on the map the road does belong to ACT. The board stated that road needs to get on the gravel request for ACT. Inspector Schneider and Supervisor Springer will coordinate their schedules, so they can do a road review for the upcoming year. Supervisor Schneider also said the county hired a new blade operator so there might be a learning curve for a while, so the board can expect some calls. Supervisor Zent said he had 3 calls on 119th St SE saying the road was bad after the grader went through. He called Gene Small and left a message. Gene called back and said he checked it and wasn’t that bad but sent an operator out to redo the gravel section of the road. 119th is on the agenda @ the county commission meeting tonight to get approval for paving the remaining ¼ mile. Marcus Hall is in favor of that paving project. Supervisor Zent said Gene Small will be retiring in the next month or so and he doesn’t know who will replace him.

Weed Board Report: Inspector Mauch had nothing to report.

Other Business: Apple Creek Country Club Liquor License request, Ty Hauglie from Apple Creek County Club was at the meeting to get the approval for the application for liquor license for the Country Club. ACT does not issue the liquor license but gives approval to allow a liquor license to be purchased from Burleigh County. After discussion Supervisor Zent made a motion to give approval for Apple Creek County Club apply for a liquor license renewal. Supervisor Springer 2nd the motion and the motion was unanimously approved.

With no other business to discuss Chairman Nehring adjourned the meeting @ 8PM.

Respectfully Submitted

Cyndy Meidinger

Clerk, Act

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