ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


01/07/2019, 7 PM

Members Present: Chairman, Dave Nehring; Supervisors, Mark Springer & Ken Selzler; Building Inspector, Greg Hillig; Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger; Treasurer, Jamie Vetsch and Zoning Board Member Jerry Kunz

Members Absent: Assessor, Mark Splonskowski; Weed Board, Terry Mauch and Zoning Board, Rick Solberg

Chairman Nehring asked if there were any additions or corrections to the December Minutes, being none Supervisor Springer made a motion to accept the minutes as written, the motion received a 2nd form Supervisor Selzler & the motion was unanimously approved.

Consent Agenda: Nothing to discuss

School Board Report: Supervisor Springer said the school board had their school reviews and everything is up to date and everything is in order.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Vetsch said there is $26,359.29 in checking and $156,892.57 in savings. She has several bills to pay the post office box rental for 2019, reimbursement for printer ink for the printer to Clerk Meidinger the Road Maintenance Invoice and several catch up bills from December. She also stated she was out of check blanks and the checks will be delivered to the township PO box Jan 14th. She said she would get the checks ready to be signed and contact the board members for signatures for the checks. A discussion followed and resulted in agreement not to pay the Road Maintenance Invoice until the March meeting. Supervisor Springer made a motion to pay all bills presented and hold the Road Maintenance Invoice until the March meeting. Supervisor Selzler 2nd the motion and the motion was unanimously approved. Treasurer Vetsch said she has almost finished the yearly financial report and she will be sending it to the board for their review. She will also be sending out W2’s soon. Clerk Meidinger said the township received a bill for ACT domain name and she thought that web provider was taking care of the domain name. She will contact Kevin and find out how it should be handled. Chairman Nehring expressed concern that the township not loose the domain name and asked for a motion to pay the bill if the web provider was not taking care of the domain name. Supervisor Springer made a motion to pay the invoice for the domain name if the web provider does not pay the invoice. The motion was 2nd by Supervisor Selzler and the motion was unanimously approved.

Assessor’s Report: No report due to the absence of Assessor Splonskowski

Building Inspector’s Report: Inspector Hillig reported he had 1 building permit for December to Melissa Carson @ 8107 Jenner Place to finish a basement total valuation of work is $25,725.00 permit fee is $267.25 and paid by check #7198. He also stated he had 6 phone calls and 7 inspections for December.

Phone Calls:

  1. 6600 55th Ave SE on window flashing

  2. 9234 Lincoln Road pole depth for riding arena

  3. 6600 55th Ave on stairway framing

  4. 8121 Brads Way rebar for footings

  5. Burleigh County Inspections on codes for junk & debris

  6. Roof Framing Issues


  1. 6605 Eric Ave Garage Framing

  2. 6305 Omar St Final

  3. 9234 Lincoln Rd Pole Barn hole depth

  4. 8121 Brads Way footing

  5. 6600 55th Ave SE Partial Framing

  6. 6605 Eric Ave load bearing issues

  7. 6605 Eric Ave deck framing

Road Supervisor Report: Chairman Nehring asked Clerk Meidinger if she had a status report. She had not been able to contact Kevin about putting the job on the web site but will contact Kevin about the domain name and the job posting on the web site and report back @ the Feb meeting. She also asked if the board wanted the job posted in the tribune. Chairman Nehring said to go ahead with the tribune ad. He also said there was still time but would like to have someone on board by April or May.

Zoning Board Report: Zoning Board Member Kunz had nothing to report. Chairman Nehring asked if there was an update on the Terrance Hoerer issue. Clerk Meidinger stated to this point it looks like not much more has been done. Chairman Nehring suspended the regular meeting of ACT and opened the Zoning Board. Inspector Hillig also had 4 examples from Burleigh County Zoning regarding junk and debris violations for the board to consider. 1st & 2nd notices of violations regarding junk and debris violations; penalties for violation; penalties for disregarding notices of violations and how to enforce violations. He stated that other townships have adopted the Burleigh County Ordinance for junk and debris that way there is more help with enforcement. After discussion Chairman Nehring recommended tabling the discussion until the Feb meeting. With no further discussion Chairman Nehring tabled the junk & debris violation discussion until the Feb meeting.

Other Business: Commissioner Brandon Schock from the City of Lincoln was present @ the meeting and he had no official business to discuss. Supervisor Selzler stated he had visited with some Act residents who were not happy how the City of Lincoln was going about the ETA with no notice given to the people who would be affected by the change. Commissioner Schock said he didn’t think the City of Lincoln would follow through with the ETA at this time. He did say Mariner is looking to buy some property by Lincoln and then Lincoln would approach ACT to talk about ETA.

Chairman Nehring asked for any other new business to discuss being none he adjourned the meeting@ 7:45 PM

Respectfully Submitted

Cyndy Meidinger

Clerk, ACT


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