ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


09/09/2019, 7:PM

Members Present: Chairman, Mark Springer; Supervisors, Nathan Kuntz and Dave Nehring; Assessor, Mark Splonskowski; Building Inspector, Greg Hillig; Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger; Road Supervisor/Zoning Board Member, Roy Kuil; Weed Board, Terry Mauch and Zoning Board Member Jerry Kunz.

Members Absent: Treasurer Jamie Vetsch

Chairman Springer opened the meeting and asked for any corrections or additions to the August minutes. Chairman Nearing said he was not there so could not comment, Supervisor Kuntz said he brought several typos to Clerk Meidinger’ s attention and did not find any other issues. Chairman Springer said he found no issues with the minutes. Supervisor Kuntz made a motion to accept the minutes with the noted corrections made. Supervisor Nehring 2nd the motion and the motion was unanimously approved.

Consent Agenda: Nothing to discuss

School Board Report: Supervisor Kuntz said he and AC School Board President Greg Knudson met with Larry Brendel about the possible purchase of land by ACT from Mr. Brendel for the school gymnasium. Mr. Brendel said he was open discussing a possible sale of land for school use. His questions were how much land would be needed for the gymnasium & parking he also wanted to see plans for the building and parking lot. No dollar amount was discussed @ the meeting. Mr. Brendel did not have price in mind, so an appraisal of the property was suggested. Supervisor Nehring said the ACT board should be responsible for the appraisal for determining the land value. Chairman Springer said the school district is financially stable, so the school board has set up a building fund with $200,000.00 for a start. He also stated the school board’s plan is to have the project funded without additional tax burden to the township residents. Chairman Springer also said there are avenues that can be used to lessen the capital gains tax burden for Mr. Brendel and that will be researched.

Chairman Springer said the regular meeting of AC School will be Wed Sept 11th @ 5 PM for anyone who would like to attend.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Vetsch was not able to attend the meeting so Clerk Meidinger gave an abbreviated report. Checking account has a balance of $63,145.69 and a balance of $189,302.30 in savings. There are 2 bills to pay. 1 to clerk Meidinger for the tribune ad for the Sept 9th Public Hearing for $14.40 and $373.51 to NDIRF for AC School Building insurance. Clerk Meidinger also asked if the board would give approval to Clerk Meidinger and Treasurer to sign the check for the NDIRF so it can get mailed asap. After review Supervisor Nehring made a motion to pay bills and have the clerk and treasurer sign the checks. The motion received a 2nd from Supervisor Kuntz. The motion was unanimously approved.

2020 Budget discussion: Chairman Springer gave a short explanation of how the mill levy is determined; the short explanation is the mill levy is expressed as a percentage of property value. The County would like to see townships @ 18 mills and ACT for 2018 was at 9.39 mills. At the election the ACT board request $130,000.00 for the year 2020. The floor was open to discussion and the discussion resulted in a motion from Supervisor Nehring to reapprove the $130,000.00 2020 budget which was approved at the March 2019 election. The motion received a 2nd from Supervisor Kuntz and the motion was unanimously approved.

Assessor’s Report: Assessor Splonskowski said everything is quite in his office that shows there does not seem to be any real discourse with the assessor’s office. He went on to say he will be working on 4 subdivisions to update the tax files and he said there will be a lot of changes for Bar D Estates.

Building Inspector’s Report: Inspector Hillig said he issued 5 building permits for a taxable valuation of $741,823.00 with a total of $3,550.94. He had 6 phone calls and 14 inspections.


  1. 2019-18 Matthew Scharbauer 8133 Kittie Lane 14’x31’ shed total of 434 sq. ft. valuation of work $9,114.00 permit fee $145.00 pd check 206

  2. 2019-19 Brandon Ebach 8101 22nd Ave SE garage addition 32’x36’x10’ total of 1,152 sq. ft. valuation of work $24,192.00 permit fee $254.25 pd check 1479

  3. 2019-20 Wesley Leno 11622 Hillard Dr new home with attached garage 88’x80’x9’ total of 3,764 sq. ft. valuation of work $652,405.00 permit fee $2,552.79 pd check 005694

  4. 2019-21 Wesley Leno 11622 Hillard Dr pole barn with floating slab with attached lean-to 62’ 2.5’x42’ 5” x 14’ total sq. ft. 1,792 valuation of work $44,352.00 permit fee $423.90 pd check 005694

  5. 2019-22 Dale Franshuk 8114 Kittie Lane garage addition 28’x15’x10’ for a total of 560 sq. ft. valuation of work $11,760.00 permit fee $175.00 pd check 5207

Road Supervisor’s Report: Road Supervisor Kuil showed the board the revised approach permit that used the county form as a guide and reduced it to 2-page form. The county form must be certified because they send their permit to the county recorder, so the permit gets filed with the property. Marcus Hall said it is not requirement for the townships to do the same. It can be looked at in the future. After reviewing the permit board agreed with the changes that were made to the approach permit. Treasure Vetsch has been keeping a digital copy of all building and approach permits issued so there are 2 different places for storage. Former Road Supervisor suggested putting the approach permits on the web page. There was a discussion but for now the board will not change the process.

Supervisor Kuil has been checking on 119th St SE from Apple Creek Rd to Lincoln Rd could use grading & additional gravel; Pleasant view Rd was brought up as needing attention and was checked some small areas having small depressions but at this time he does not feel it need attention at this time. He had a request to check Omar and some of the new surface was washed away due to the heavy rains. He said there was a request from the new owner of 6200 Omar St wanting to keep the approach on 62nd Ave SE. Supervisor Kuil is ok with keeping the approach there; but wants a culvert installed in the approach, at this time there is no culvert. The new owner will need to contact county emergency management and discuss the address change from Omar St to 62nd Ave SE.

Zoning Board: Chairman Springer suspended the regular meeting of ACT to open the Zoning Board.

  1. Terry Hoerer clean up progress at this time there seems to be clean up going on, but the stuff is being moved into the tree row. Currently there has not been any word from the county attorney’s office on the issue. Chairman Springer said this will have to be tabled until next month and there might be some update @ that time.

  2. Pahlke Subdivision on 93rd St SE & 62nd Ave SE. Chairman Springer said Mr. Goldammer had contacted him to see if progress had been made about the lot size change prompting discussion on a lot size change. That change would need to be voted on @ the annual meeting and election. There are pros and cons for both. On one hand it would bring in more revenue to the township but would bring more traffic making Apple Creek Road and 93rd St SE more stressed. That would increase the need for updating and repair. There are some that want to keep the rural aspect of the country. Brandon Schock from the City of Lincoln was at the meeting and suggested that Lincoln and ACT work together to work on the county to get the road situation moved to the front burner. The county is not at a place to do that until there is a need. If the township does not expand there could be a loss of AC School. Lincoln has made it known they will accept smaller lots so developers would go there. From the discussion it is apparent there needs to be more public input. Chad Schneider questioned the use of modular homes in the new subdivision. Supervisor Nehring said he did not think that would happen since Mr. Goldammer is a developer so he would want to sell stick-built homes. Mr. Schneider was concerned the modular home issue would lower property values. He also was under the impression there were covenants in Glasses Subdivision against modular homes. Currently there is no covenant committee and there has not been any covenants meeting since 1991. Clerk Meidinger will do research & find the covenants for the subdivision and report back @ the October meeting. Burleigh County allows modular homes in the county and the township policy has been to follow the county’s lead on modular homes. Modular homes have standards that must be met, modular homes must be on a basement and must be independently inspected.

  3. Arnold Schieve discussion there was no discussion since Mr. Schieve was not @ the meeting. A letter will be sent to Mr. Scheive’s attorney stating the board’s ruling on Mr. Schieve’s request.

  4. Question on lot clean up by the City of Lincoln and the overlap of government jurisdiction. This question was from the Lincoln City Commission and the board and Lincoln with work together to come to a resolution where the 2 communities can have a coordinated effort when it come to cleanup of offending residents.

Chairman Springer asked if anyone had other zoning issues to discuss

Chairman Springer asked if there was other Zoning business to discuss being none, he adjourned the ACT Zoning Board and reconvened the regular hearing of ACT Board of Supervisors meeting.

Weed Board: Terry Mauch said he had checked Apple Meadows Court and the empty lots had been freshly mowed and he could not see any evidence of spurge or wormwood.

Chairman Springer asked if there was other business to discuss being none, he adjourned the ACT Board of Supervisors meeting @ 8:27PM

Respectfully Submitted

Cyndy Meidinger

Clerk, ACT


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