ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


11/04/2019, 7PM

Members Present: Chairman, Mark Springer & Supervisor Nathan Kuntz; Building Inspector, Greg Hillig; Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger; Road Supervisor/Zoning Board, Roy Kuil; Treasurer, Jamie Vetsch; Weed Board, Terry Mauch and Zoning Board, Jerry Kunz.

Members Absent: Assessor, Mark Springer and Supervisor, Dave Nehring.

Chairman Springer opened the meeting @ 7PM. He asked if there were any corrections or additions to the October minutes. Supervisor Kuntz said he found no corrections or additions to the minutes prompting him to make a motion to approve the October minutes as written. Chairman Springer 2nd the motion and the motion was unanimously approved.

Consent Agenda: No items to discuss @ this time.

School Board Report: Chairman Springer said the school board will hold an open meeting Monday, December 2nd @ 6PM before the regular meeting of ACT. The purpose of the meeting will be to inform ACT residents of the proposed multi use building under consideration by the AC School Board. Items for discussion will be funding of proposed building, acquiring additional land to allow the multi-use building and open discussion of the agenda items.

Assessors Report: Assessor Splonskowski was not @ the meeting but Mr. Splonskowski reported he is updating assessments and residents are calling back to reschedule appointments. Otherwise things are going ok.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Vetsch said there is $57,924.82 in checking and $189,538.36 in savings. She has a bill for Paint Ball Way for $ 1087.51 also she needs to know how many board members will attend the NDTOA meeting @ the Ramada Inn in Bismarck on Monday & Tuesday December 2nd & 3rd. Cost of the meeting is $40.00 per person for early registration by the 25th of November and $60.00 per person after and @ the door. Treasurer Vetsch and Clerk Meidinger are planning on attending Clerk Meidinger is waiting on an answer from Supervisor Nehring if he will attend. After discussion Supervisor Kunz made a motion to approve all bills submitted for payment. Chairman Springer 2nd the motion and the motion was unanimously approved.



Building Inspector’s Report: Inspector Hillig issued 1 building permit, did 9 inspections and fielded 4 phone calls for the month of October.

Building Permit # 2019-23 Darrell Bohl replace existing mobile home with new mobile home @ 8900 Bar D Road permit fee $75.00 paid check #1435

Phone Calls:

  1. Yarbough Property

  2. Foundation questions

  3. Garage addition

  4. Structural engineer on Herman Dr home


  1. Final on home on 55th Ave SE
  2. Framing insp. on Bar D Road
  3. Framing insp. on Kittie Lane
  4. Footing insp. on 22nd Ave
  5. Framing insp. on Herman Dr
  6. Wall insp on 22nd Ave
  7. Floating slab insp on Kittie Lane
  8. Gas line insp on Rittie Lane
  9. Re-inspect frame on Bar D Road


Road Supervisor’s Report: Supervisor Kuil said he was in contact with Marcus Hall about Paintball Way he had several bids and asked the county to use the best bid. Paintball Way is still needing attention due to the wet weather we have had for the last several months. Brandon Schoock from the City of Lincoln was @ the meeting and asked for a meeting about a shared maintenance agreement for Paintball Way. Chairman Springer said it looks like Lincoln would be including that area in their extra territorial zoning soon so he doesn’t feel it would be worthwhile. Supervisor Kuntz said Apple Creek Road was open now. The county put out pumps and generators to pump out water out of the slough and transfer the it to Apple Creek.

Zoning Board: Chairman Springer suspended the regular meeting of ACT and opened the Zoning Board. 1st item up for discussion is Apple Meadows 3rd Addition. This subdivision is east of 80th St SE south of 4th Ave SE and jogs down to Apple Creek Rd. This subdivision is a total of 105 acres would include 29 lots varying in size from 1.5 acres, 1.6 acres, 2.2 acres and 3 lots boarding the flood plain of 13.5 acres, 21.0 acres and 16.7 acres.

It is in the Bismarck extra territorial area. There will be Wed, Nov 20 @ the Tom Baker room in the city county building. Nathan Kunz will attend the meeting on behalf of ACT. The area is under Bismarck’s control and this is just to keep ACT in the loop as to what is happening in the township. The children in the subdivision will attend Bismarck Public Schools. The township will need to keep an eye on the traffic and the impact to the roads Apple Creek Road, 80th St SE and Hwy 10.

Zoning Board Member Jerry Kunz asked about the clean up on the property on Lincoln Road. Chairman Springer said it is in the hands of the courts right now. Brandon Schoock from Lincoln said Lincoln just updated their zoning on clean up. They now have a beautification inspector, he suggested ACT should consider that also. The suggestion was not accepted too kindly. Chairman Springer said the board does not feel that would be necessary. He also stated the township needs to start a process whereby people who disregard the ordinances have a consequence for their disregard of the ordinances and their neighbor’s property rights. Mr. Kunz also stated there is a property owner on Northgate and Poplar that has a lot of stuff laying around the property. He feels this could cause a problem when the spring thaw comes, and water gets high allowing it to end up on someone else’s property. With no other Zoning issues to discuss Chairman Springer adjourned the Zoning Board and reconvened the regular meeting of ACT.

Zoning Board: Weed Board member Mauch had no report.

With no other items to discuss Chairman Springer adjourned the ACT meeting @ 7:44 PM.

Respectfully Submitted

Cyndy Meidinger

Clerk, ACT

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