ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


01/06/2020, 7PM

Members Present: Chairman, Mark Springer, Supervisors, Nate Kuntz and Dave Nehring; Building Inspector, Greg Hillig; Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger; Road Supervisor/Zoning Board, Roy Kuil; Treasurer, Jamie Vetsch and Zoning Board Member, Jerry Kuntz

Members Absent: Assessor, Mark Splonskowski and Weed Board, Terry Mauch

Chairman Springer call the meeting to order @ 7:PM and asked the board if there were any corrections or additions to the December minutes. Being none, Supervisor Nehring made a motion to accept the minutes as written, 2nd by Supervisor Kuntz the motion was unanimously approved.

School Board Report: Chairman Springer said the school added 2 students and the school had some plumbing issues but that has been repaired. Supervisor Kuntz had been in contact with Larry Brendel and he would be willing to sell some land but before there can be an appraisal there has to be a value place on the property. For now, the property is on hold until a value can be placed on the property so an appraisal can be made.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Vetsch said there is $68,357.86 in checking and $189,774.63 in savings. She also said she would have the W-2s send out by the end of the month. Treasurer Vetsch had one bill to pay. Rent on PO Box $154.00 for the year of 2020 check # 10986.

Assessor’s Report: No report due to the absence of Assessor Splonskowski.

Building Inspector’s Report: Inspector Hillig said he had 5 phone calls, 10 inspections and issued 1 permit for December.

  • Permit # 2019-25 Dusty Hasper 5100 93rd St SE Bismarck for demolition of existing home and septic tank permit fee $75.00 pd ck #6183

Phone Calls:

  1. Modular Home questions

  2. Framing questions

  3. Framing questions

  4. Bearing wall questions

  5. Permits


  1. 93rd St SE truss questions with homeowner

  2. 62nd Ave final yard shed

  3. Apple Way framing inspection

  4. Lincoln Rd framing inspection

  5. 22nd Ave final inspection

  6. Brads Way garage framing inspection

  7. 93rd St SE partial framing

  8. 93rd St SE final framing inspection

  9. 93rd St SE gasline inspection

  10. Kittie Lane final shed inspection

Road Supervisor’s Report: Supervisor Kuil said he had 1 call on Palomino drive but otherwise it was quiet also.

Zoning Board: Chairman Springer suspended the regular meeting of ACT and opened the Zoning Board.

Clerk Meidinger wanted to give some info on the possible sale of her lot on Omar St. The proposed buyer, Dwight Albright wants to put up a 4,000 sq. ft. shop on the property before he builds a house. She suggested Dwight talk to the neighbors before coming to the board with the request. He does have a truck he wants to store in the shop when he is not using it. He will be meeting with the neighbors this month and will be @ the Feburary meeting to present his plan to the board. There was no discussion since Mr. Albright was not @ the meeting.

Darrell Carney wanted to see if he could subdivide his lot @ 7036 Lincoln Road it is a 5-acre lot and he wants to subdivide it. Mr. Carney said Lincoln had approached him and would allow the lot size change if he would annex into Lincoln.

Brandon Schoock from the City of Lincoln was at the meeting and he said Lincoln does plan on expanding their ETA possibly to 80th St SE. That expansion would be to the detriment of the citizens of the area that Lincoln would take over. The people in the area would not be able to vote in the city elections so they would have no say in possible rule or regulation changes.

Clerk Meidinger suggested the board look at changing the rules to allow for smaller lots to increase revenue. Also, the trend now is for smaller lots. The suggestion would be to pick a street maybe 93rd St SE or 106th St SE and anything east of that could still be 5 acre lots but west of those streets smaller lots could be done. Also, to keep it from spreading too much there could be some type of restriction on subdivision starts. Maybe subdivisions would have to be say 75 % complete before another subdivision could be started. The suggestion was not too popular. Some of the dissent was for reasons of septic system needs. Building Inspector Hillig said the subdivisions up north are doing a community septic system and the people in the subdivision pay a monthly fee to take care of the system. It is a closed dome system so there is no smell and you don’t see a lagoon. The ones up north South-Central Water maintains and that could be done here. Chairman Springer asked Inspector Hillig if he would do more checking and see about storm water provision in the subdivisions and report back @ the February meeting.

Adopting Burleigh County Zoning was suggested to make it easier to enforce the rules so everyone in the township is treated fairly. After discussion Supervisor Nate Kuntz said he would research the Burleigh Regs and report back in February.

With no other Zoning issues to discuss Chairman Springer closed the Zoning Board and reconvened the regular meeting of ACT.

Weed Board: No report due to the absence of Board Member Mauch.

Clerk Meidinger said she received a notice form emergency management about the address change that was requested by Kameron Nagel from 6200 Omar St to 9995 66th St SE.

Reminder positions up for election in March are Supervisor, Mark Springer; Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger and Zoning Board, Jerry Kunz.

With no other business to discuss Chairman Springer adjourned the meeting @ 7:35 PM

Respectfully submitted

Cyndy Meidinger

Clerk, ACT

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