Regular Meeting Via Zoom
12/07/2020, 7:PM
Members Present: Chairman, Mark Springer; Supervisors, Nate Kuntz arrived @ 7:17 and Dusty Hasper; Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger; Road Supervisor/Zoning Board, Roy Kuil; Weed Board, Terry Mauch and Zoning Board, Jerry Kunz
Members Absent: Assessor, Mark Splonskowski; Building Inspector, Greg Hillig and Treasurer, Jamie Vetsch
Chairman Mark Springer opened the meeting and asked if there were any corrections or additions to the November minutes. Being none, Supervisor Hasper made a motion to accept the minutes as written Chairman Springer 2nd the motion and the minutes were unanimously approved.
Consent Agenda: Discussion on 2 anonymous letters regarding lots being cleaned up. There is some clean up going on some of the lots, but the letters were not signed and did not list any specific properties. Rick Hessinger was attending the meeting and he stated one of the properties is his and he is cleaning up the property off 103rd St. Clerk Meidinger said she would send copies of letters to Greg Hillig Building Inspector. With no names or property addresses the board has no way to know exactly what property is being referred to.
Multi-Purpose building will be addressed @ the school board report.
School Board Report: Roy Kuil representing the AC School board said so far there is nothing new to report because the school board will be meeting Dec 14th.
Building Committee Report: The school would qualify for more funding whether it be state school funds, grants, bonds or other funds that would be available to the school if the school buildings were owned by the AC School Board. Chairman Springer is not sure if the board can make the decision or if it would have to be voted on @ the annual meeting and election. It would require drawing up a purchase agreement between the school board and the township. The agreement would also include a rental agreement for the township to have a space in the school building for meetings and storage while the township exists. Chairman Springer is putting it up for discussion. To keep the school going there is a possibility of raising taxes to support the school. In the past the township did not approve the additional funding for a school building. If the ownership went to the school board the upkeep and the multi-purpose building would be the school board’s responsibility. Chairman Springer found out that if Bismarck or Lincoln would come out this far, they would leave the school alone because it would be too costly for them to take it over. There will need to be a special meeting for the school before the annual meeting and election. Chairman Springer will try and get a meeting time set up for January.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Vetsch is out ill but she gave a report for checking is $51,773.82 and savings is $250,616.13. She also wanted to make sure the board was ok with the purchase of the 2 laptops she found for around $1,710.00 with software and additional items the total is $1.970.89 that is below the $3,000.00 that was agreed on. The board agreed with the price and Supervisor Hasper asked if there needed to be a motion. Chairman Springer said there had been a motion made previously and Jamie was just checking to make sure the board was on board with the purchase price. Jamie wants everyone to get any additional hours to her by the 21st of December for payroll. Jamie also wanted the board to know there would need to be a budget meeting set up before the annual meeting in March. Supervisor Hasper made a motion to pay bills including the web page and payroll. The motion received a 2nd from Supervisor Nate Kuntz and the motion was unanimously approved.
11043 | $ 4,647.80 | Bur Co Hwy Dept | Northgate Dr |
11044 | $ 1,970.89 | Best Buy | 2 latops-treasurer & clerk |
11045 | $ 64.65 | 4 QTR SALARY | Mark Springer |
11046 | $ 64.65 | 4 QTR SALARY | Dusty Hasper |
11047 | $ 360.17 | reissue check # 11025 2nd qtr payroll | Jamie Vetsch |
11048 | $ 64.65 | 4 QTR SALARY | Jerry Kunz |
11049 | $ 46.18 | 4 QTR SALARY | Nate Kuntz |
11050 | $ 1,606.89 | 4 QTR SALARY | Greg Hillig |
11051 | $ 1,847.00 | 4 QTR SALARY | Mark Splonskowski |
11052 | $ 64.65 | 4 QTR SALARY | Roy Kuil |
11053 | $ 304.76 | 4 QTR SALARY | Cyndy Meidnger |
11054 | $ 64.65 | 4 QTR SALARY | Terry Mauch |
11055 | $ 138.53 | 4 QTR SALARY | Jamie Vetsch |
11056 | $ 460.52 | 4 QTR MILEAGE | Greg Hillig |
Total | $ 11,705.99 |
Assessor’s Report: Assessor Splonskowski was not present so there was no report. Chairman Springer thought he was at the City Meeting.
Building Inspector’s Report: Inspector Hillig was not @ the meeting due to personal commitments. Inspector Hillig had 1 permit for November, 9 inspections and 5 phone calls. He has 3 properties that have been started but not completed. The permits have no end date, and he wants to know what the procedure will be for the buildings not completed. Supervisor Hasper said he had been in contact with members of City of Lincoln Council and they are having that problem also. Whether it is not finishing the yard or not completing the building and there has been various reasons given for not finishing the projects. Supervisor Hasper asked if the county had any time frame for building permit completion. Chairman Springer said he will check with the county and report back.
Road Supervisor’s Report: Inspector Kuil said he issued an approach permit to Brandon Schock the new approach is at the top of the hill. He told Brandon the county is requiring culverts in all approaches with ditches, if there are heavy trucks using that approach the culvert will have to be beefed up. Brandon said the approach will be used for emergency vehicles only.
Supervisor Kuil said he had a text on Majestic street and had not had time to do further checking on the road and over lunch he had gotten a call that the grader had been out and thanking him for taking care of the problem.
Chairman Springer said he wants to have a special meeting with NDLTAP in January to discuss the road issues with NDLTAP. Supervisor Hasper said other counties are testing out their gravel and Burleigh County is not doing that now and they are charging the most for their gravel. Supervisor Nate Kuntz said he would be willing to contact NDLTAP and the County Hwy Dept to coordinate a date they could attend a special meeting together and let the board know of the possible dates. Chairman Springer welcomed the suggestion.
Zoning Board: Chairman Springer suspended the regular meeting of ACT and opened the Zoning Board.
- The Lengenfelder lot split: No input and no one present for discussion, so the item was tabled.
- Lincoln ETA: Chairman Springer has been in contact their Zoning Board and they will contact ACT with updates. They are checking into extending the ETA to 80th St. Chairman Springer thinks we can work with Lincoln Zoning. The problem being we cannot enforce items that are problems in our township so that is causing problems for them also. Without a home rule charter, we are limited to what we can do. Chairman Springer has been talking with legislators to see if they are willing to help townships with zoning issues. Zoning member Kuil said he was in favor of Chairman Springer starting conversations with legislators. Supervisor Nate Kuntz said he sees this as the only recourse for townships. The county would like to take over the zoning for the township, but Chairman Springer feels the township does not want to give up control. There needs to be changes in the legislature, so townships have more authority for enforcing infractions to the zoning ordinances. Supervisor Hasper wanted to know if townships that have given up zoning to the county is making zoning infractions any better. Weed Board Member Terry Mauch said it does not seem to be any better and the county has pretty much all it can do to take care of high priority crimes and regular law enforcement. Chairman Springer will contact NDTOA to see if they can be of any help for the townships with zoning issue enforcement. There was also a suggestion to bring up the issue @ the BCTOA in March. There are animal issues to be addressed but we cannot go stricter than the county allows. Theses items will have to be worked out with a zoning committee.
With no other zoning issues to discuss Chairman Springer adjourned the Zoning Board and reconvened the regular meeting of ACT
Weed Board: Nothing new the county will have new updates sometime in February and he will bring any updates to the board.
Chairman Springer said the board positions up for election are Supervisor, Nate Kuntz, Treasurer, Jamie Vetsch and Zoning Board Roy Kuil. He asked anyone wanting to be on the ballot contact Clerk Meidinger so she can get their names on the ballot. He also said Nate Kuntz will not run for another term.
Chairman Springer asked for a motion to adjourn. Supervisor Hasper made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Supervisor Nate Kuntz 2nd the motion was unanimously approved. The next meeting will be Monday January 4th 7 PM via Zoom. Meeting adjourned @ 8PM
Respectfully Submitted
Cyndy Meidinger
Clerk, ACT