Regular Meeting Via Zoom


01/01/2021, 7:PM

Members Present: Chairman, Mark Springer; Supervisor, and Dusty Hasper; Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger; Road Supervisor/Zoning Board Member, Roy Kuil; Treasurer, Jamie Vetsch, Weed Board, Terry Mauch and Zoning Board Member, Jerry Kunz.

Members Absent: Supervisor, Nate Kuntz, Assessor, Mark Splonskowski & Building Inspector, Greg Hillig

Chairman Springer opened the January meeting. He asked if there were any additions or corrections to the December minutes. Being none Supervisor Hasper made a motion to accept the minutes as written. The motion received a 2nd from Chairman Springer. The motion was unanimously approved and the minutes were accepted as written.

Consent Agenda: Ripplinger modular home request. Chairman Springer moved the request to be discussed during the Zoning Board.

School Board Report: Supervisor Kuil reported there have been no changes due to covid. He did report there were no direct covid cases @ the school as of this meeting. Supervisor Kuil said he was not sure where the building committee was in their research on the proposed Multi Use Building for Apple Creek School. Supervisor Kuil said the school board will be meeting next week so he will have more information @ the February meeting. Chairman Springer said he will have to modify the building plans. The first draft cost was reaching $5 million. That cost will not fly. He also said the ACT Board and the AC School Board will need to decide on ownership of the buildings. If the school buildings were sold back to the school board AC School might qualify for more state and federal funds. Chairman Springer said he would check to see if the ACT Board could sell the buildings back or if it would have to go to a vote @ the annual meeting and election.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer, Vetsch said she had purchased 2 computers, a QuickBooks subscription, and several computer accessories the cost was under $1,900.00 which was less than the $3,000.00 that was allotted for the purchase. She gave the bank balances of checking $51,376.75 and savings $250,859.74. The bills submitted were for PO Box rental for the year and postage reimbursement and webpage invoice.

11057 $ 6.95 Postage Cyndy Meidinger
11058 $ 168.00 USPO Box Rental
11059 $ 299.95 TAO International Web Page Invoice
Total $ 474.90    

Assessor Report: Assessor Splonskowski was not at the meeting but he did report to Chairman Springer inspections moving along. Chairman Springer said there will need to be a meeting with Assessor Springer about accountability and meeting attendance. Would like to see this done after the tax equalization meeting in April.

Building Inspector’s Report: Inspector Hillig was not @ the meeting but he gave a report to Chairman Springer.


  1. Framing inspection on Pleasantview
  2. Framing inspection on Omar St
  3. Framing inspection on 10th Ave SE
  4. Framing inspection on 22nd Ave SE

Phone Calls:

  1. Building permit requirements
  2. Requirements for a house and outbuildings


  1. Permit # 2020-27 Rick Johnson 8500 Lincoln Road pole barn with concrete slab 64’x42’x16’ total square feet 2688, valuation of work $56,448.00.

Permit fee $440.75 pd ck #3760

  1. Permit #2020-28 Rich Barrios 9020 Lincoln Road pole barn with concrete slab 48’x36’x12’ total square feet 1728, valuation of work, $36,288.00 permit fee $329.54.

Total fees for the month $770.20 total valuations $92,736.00 

Road Supervisors Report: Supervisor Kuil apologized for dropping the ball with NDLTAP. He received a complaint on 48th Ave & Majestic street again same person. Problem is lack of moisture. Treasure Vetsch questioned the chloride on 66th north of the roundabout. Supervisor Hasper said he attended the NDTOA meeting in December and there is a new product to replace chloride that soy based and is easier on vehicles and roads and less expensive.

Chairman Springer suspended the regular meeting and opened the Zoning Board.

Zoning Board: Jennifer and Morgan Ripplinger wanted to put a modular home on a basement on a lot in Sunrise Addition. Mr. Ripplinger asked about the 4% rule for out buildings. Supervisor Hasper asked if the township had approved the 4% outbuilding rule. Chairman Springer said not yet he hoped this would be addressed by March. Mr. Ripplinger asked about the water in the township. Basically, the well water in the township is hard, rusty and has a lot of sodium. If a well is drilled it will need to be tested by the state. Chairman Springer said the Ripplingers would want to contact Greg Hillig the building Inspector who would help them with any questions about building and obtaining a permit. Chairman Springer also said they would need to contact Roy Kuil Road Supervisor about approach permits.

Lincoln ETA Boundary Change Update. Chairman Springer said there is nothing yet Lincoln and their attorneys are coming up with lots of problems which is taking longer which is good for ACT. Chairman Springer is in contact with Lincoln Zoning to find ways to find an agreeable boundary change that will work for both entities.

Possible Zoning Enforcement Help Chairman Springer talked to Dave Nehring about getting more authority in the Zoning Reg Ordinances. The BCTOA is also on board. Zoning ordinances and animal ordinances are 2 different issues. The sheriff’s department is also having trouble with enforcement.

Reiser Fowl issue. Not lately but still not fenced and they are not coming in the neighboring yard. County does not allow roosters.

Sent a letter to the Lafond’s about chicken coop no permit and no permission Chairman Springer got a call from the Lafond’s saying coyotes had killed most of the chickens.

Weed Board: Terry Mauch had nothing to report.

Other business: Chairman Springer reminded everyone about the Annual Meeting & Elections on March 16th. There are 3 positions up for election Supervisor, Treasurer and Zoning Board. Roy Kuil Zoning Board and Jamie Vetsch, Treasurer will be on the ballot. Anyone who would like to be on the ballot needs to notify clerk Meidinger by March 12th for their name to put on the ballot.

There is a possibility the February meeting will be @ the school.

With no other business to discuss Chairman Springer adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cyndy Meidinger

Clerk, ACT

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