Regular Meeting


02/01/2021, 7:15 PM

Members Present: Chairman, Mark Springer; Supervisor, Dusty Hasper; Assessor, Mark Splonskowski; Building Inspector, Greg Hillig; Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger; Road Supervisor/Zoning Board, Roy Kuil and Zoning Board Jerry Kunz.

Members Absent: Supervisor, Nate Kuntz; Treasurer, Jamie Vetsch and Weed Board, Terry Mauch

Chairman Springer opened the meeting and asked if there were any additions or corrections to the January minutes. Chairman Springer said there were a couple of typos that were brought to the attention of Clerk Meidinger and she said she would make the necessary changes. With that Supervisor Hasper made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. The motion received a 2nd from Chairman Springer and the motion was unanimously approved.

Consent Agenda: Chairman Springer introduced Daniel Schriock PE, Burleigh County Engineer and Wayne Klein, Burleigh County Road Superintendent. They were representing Burleigh County regarding the proposed railroad bridge overpass on 66th St SE between Lincoln Road and Apple Creek Road. Engineer Schriock said the projected cost would be $16.7 million. Funding will come from MPO $7.5 Million, $3.6 Million Local Rural; Federal Allocation Program, requires a 20% match, $5.6 Million Local Funds & Matching Funds. Burleigh County is expecting $500,000.00 from Lincoln and they are expecting the same amount from ACT. Payment can be over 4 years @ $125,000.00 per year. The exact location is not set yet and the county is looking at adding a roundabout on 66th & Apple Creek Road. This is all preliminary right now. People can go to the county web site to get info on the project.

Chairman Springer reported that House Bill 1224 regarding zoning enforcement went down. The bill came up too fast and there was not enough time to get more testimony. The only person that was able to answer any questions was Larry Severson from NDTOA and he was not able to articulate the problems the townships face regarding the ability to enforce regulations. The townships will have to push the envelope and get more support so there will be better representation in the next legislative session. In the future the township will contact the sheriffs dept to get a representative to inform the township of the problems they face regarding enforcement.

School Board Report: School Board Representative Roy Kuil said not too much has changed the school has not had any covid cases from the students there have been some family member cases but the school seems to be covid free. The governor has relaxed some of the restrictions so there is a little more freedom to have meetings in the school building.

Assessor’s Report: Assessor Splonskowski said things are moving along he is out checking properties getting ready for the tax equalization meeting in April.

Building Inspector’s Report: Building Inspector Hillig said he had 9 inspections, 2 permits were written and had 4 phone questions.


  1. Pleasantview ridge vent
  2. Lincoln Road pole depth inspection
  3. Pleasantview finish
  4. Lincoln Rd pole depth 2nd building
  5. Lincoln Rd framing
  6. Kittie Lane final
  7. Susan drive framing
  8. Herman Drive final
  9. Palamino Drive deck framing.


  1. 2020-29 Susan Drive finish basement Tonka Fischer 1450 sq. ft.
  2. Brad’s Way certificate

Total permit fee for month $329.58 total valuation $36,250.00

Phone Calls

  1. Modular home questions
  2. Final inspection requirements
  3. Rim joist insulation questions
  4. Brad’s Way mortgage company questions

Road Supervisor’s Report: Supervisor Kuil said it has been relatively quiet for the month. He I still getting complaints on wash boarding of roads the dry winter has not helped. We have not had much snow to plow but the dry winter takes a toll on the roads.

Treasure’s Report: no report due to the absence of Treasurer Vetsch

Zoning Board: Chairman Springer reported he has been working with Lincoln Planning and Zoning regarding the proposed expansion of Lincoln’s ETA. Lincoln is running into issues they must take care of, so not much is going on there that would be of concern to ACT now. The board will have to start looking into getting a committee to start working on the updating of the ACT Zoning Regulations after the annual meeting and election. There was hope the legislature would be more help.

Weed Board: No report.Chairman Springer reminded everyone about the upcoming annual meeting and election the 16th of March. Zoning Board member, Roy Kuil will be running for his position again, Treasurer, Vetsch will also run again. The meeting and election will be held at the school, masks will be provided. With no other business to discuss Chairman Springer adjourned the meeting @ 7:45 PM

Respectfully Submitted

Cyndy Meidinger

Clerk, ACT

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