Regular Meeting
03/01/2021, 7:PM
Members Present: Chairman, Mark Springer; Supervisors, Nate Kuntz and Dusty Hasper; Building Inspector, Greg Hillig; Clerk Cyndy Meidinger; Roy Kuil, Road Supervisor & Zoning Board; Treasurer, Jamie Vetsch and Zoning Board, Jerry Kunz.
Members Absent: Assessor, Mark Splonskowski,
Chairman Springer opened the meeting @ 7:02PM. Chairman Springer asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Chairman Springer noted the time on the February meeting was incorrect the special road meeting was @ 6:PM not 7:PM and the regular meeting of ACT started @ 7:15PM. Supervisor Hasper made a motion to accept the special road meeting as corrected and the regular meeting of ACT as written. The motion received a 2nd from Supervisor Kuntz and the motion was unanimously approved.
School Board Report: Road Supervisor Kuil said the school board and ACT are working out the details of the building transfer to the school board. With out the transfer the school cannot receive additional federal, state or grant money. There are legal steps so if the school would be dissolved the township would have first right of refusal. The school board has been told the Bismarck School System is not interested in taking over the school. It would be too costly for them to absorb the students and the cost of bussing the students to the Bismarck Schools. Chairman Springer is working with the township attorney so the correct procedure is followed. As of now nothing has been done with the additional property that will be needed to build the multipurpose building. The school board election will be in June and the annual budget meeting will be in July. Roy said he and Greig Kuil are covering the janitorial duties temporarily.
Assessor’s Report: No report due to the absence of Assessor Splonskowski. Chairman Springer stated there will have to be a meeting with Assessor Splonskowski regarding his regular absences to the monthly meeting. That discussion should be after the April 13th, Tax Equalization meeting. The meeting will be held @ the school on Monday April 12th @ 6:PM.
There was a Disabled Veteran abatement for Joshua and Brekka Lengenfelder @ 8645 Pleasantview Rd. the request is for a 60% disabled Veteran credit for Brekka Lengenfelder. Chairman Sprenger said he did talk to Assessor Splonskowski about the credit and Brekka does qualify for the credit. After discussion Supervisor Kuntz made a motion to approve the Lengenfelder Disabled Veteran Credit and was 2nd by Chairman Springer and the motion was unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Vetsch reported there is $145,575.45 in checking and $250,859.74 in savings. Treasurer Vetsch presented her recommendation for the 2022 budget. A discussion followed resulting in a budget request of $135,000.00. There was a discussion on the proposed railroad bridge overpass on 66th St SE. Burleigh county is requesting ACT & the City of Lincoln pay $500,00.00 over 4 years which would be 4 payments of $125,00.00. The board does not feel ACT should be expected to pay the same amount the City of Lincoln is requested to pay.
There was discussion on payment to the Bismarck Tribune for the legal ads. It will be necessary for the township to pay the tribune legal ads before the ads run. To keep the books in line with legal guidelines there will need to be an ACH withdrawal from the bank to pay the fee. After discussion Supervisor Hasper made a motion to allow ACH fund transfers from Dakota Community bank to the Bismarck Tribune provided there will be notice in the minutes of the transfer which could not be over $100.00 per ad unless additional permission is granted. Chairman Springer 2nd the motion and the motion was unamioulsy approved.
Treasurer Vetsch reported there were 6 invoices to pay two to Clerk Meidinger for reimbursement one for the tribune legal ads election notice and 1 for masks for meetings; BCTOA for 2021 dues; BC Hwy Dept Maintenance Agreement 2021; USPO for postage for zoning infraction letters and Kelsch Ruff Kranda Nagel and Ludwig for attorney fees. Supervisor Kuntz made a motion to pay all invoices presented for payment and to approve a check written to the USPO for pay for postage for letters that need to be written. The motion received a 2nd from Supervisor Hasper and was unanimously approved.
11060 | $ 40.60 | Bis Trib Annual Meeting Ad reimbursement clek Meidinger |
11061 | $ 250.00 | BCTOA Dues |
11062 | $ 50,452.85 | Bur Co Maintance Agreement |
11063 | $ 161.00 | legal fees |
11064 | $ 21.28 | Clerk Meidinger mask reimbursement |
11065 | Postage not paid yet | |
Total | $50,925.73 |
Road Supervisor’s Report: Supervisor Kuil said he had been in contact with the person who wanted a speed limit change on Majestic St. and the gentleman agreed that the speed limit could not be changed. Supervisor Kuil stated he would contact Burleigh Co to get core samples on several of the worst roads in the township.
Zoning Board: Chairman Springer suspended the regular meeting of ACT and opened the ACT Zoning.
Not much going on with zoning right now. Chairman Springer is on the mailing list for the City of Lincoln Zoning Board so he will be getting updates on any ETA news. Lincoln has other irons in the fire right now so the ETA is on the back burner for the time being. Since the legislature bill House Bill 1224 failed regarding zoning issues ACT will start work on updating the zoning regulations after the Tax Equalization meeting in April. With no other zoning to discuss Chairman Springer closed the Zoning Board and reconvened the regular meeting of ACT.
Weed Board: Board member Mauch said he had no repot but was going to Minot Ag Days and would be in contact the county weed board there to see if there is anything new on weeds for 2021.
Other Business: Chairman Springer reminded everyone the Annual Meeting and Election will be Tuesday March 16th 7:PM with the election following the adjournment of the Annual Meeting. Roy Kuil will be running for a 2-year term for Zoning Board Treasure Jamie Vetsch will also run for a 2-year term. So far, the only person requesting to be placed on the ballot is Eric Richard who will be running for the 3-year supervisor position. Reminder the BCTOA meeting is Wednesday, March 10th 9:30 AM @ the AmVets in Bismarck.
With no other business to discuss Chairman Springer adjourned the meeting of ACT @ 8:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted
Cyndy Meidinger
Clerk, ACT