ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


08/02/2021, 7pm

Apple Creek Township

Regular Meeting Minutes

Monday, August 2, 2021 7 p.m.

  1. Call to Order – 7pm by Chairman Mark Springer
    1. Present: Eric Richard, Mark Springer, Roy Kuil, Greg Hillig, Jamie Vetsch
  2. Minutes – review-  Motion to approve July minutes as written made by Eric 2nd by Mark.
    1. Vote- Unanimous (yes)
  3. Updating Township records and communication (email addresses)
    1. Mark requested an update from Jamie. Jamie stated that she had reached out to ND State IT department and had not heard beck from them at the time of the meeting. She will follow up and get information to the board.
    2. Mark requested Jamie to contact Fireside to see about moving forward on making records in electronic format as a backup.

4. Area Report- None

A. School Board Report- School Board meets August 17th

               a. School board elections – Roy Kuil is the new president.

           b. Open house 24th from 5:30pm-7:00pm

           c. August 3rd- Meeting for budget finalization due to business manager for school resigning, report needs to be in by the 10th.

           d. School is looking for a new business manager. If interested please apply through or job posting on job service website. They are taking applications now.

B. Treasurer’s Report-  Checking: $128,672.03  Savings: $251,212.86

           a. Bills: Insurance- $969.00, Attorney- $936.00, Burleigh County for 119th St: $12,335.02

           b. Motion to pay bills- Eric Richard 2nd Mark Springer

           c. Vote- Yes unanimous

d. Jamie wanted to record to note that with Cyndy Meidinger’s resignation the board removes her as primary signer at the bank.

C, Assessor’s Report- Was not present to report, did not report to the board with any updates.

D. Building Inspector’s Report- 14 Calls, 10 Inspections,

           a. Property line issues- they stay between the parties in the dispute the board can not take action. If action is needed to be taken it becomes a civil suit between the parties.

E. Road Supervisor’s Report – a. core samples update:

a. No update on core samples. Roy does not think we will be getting any results for the remaining samples. We paid for coring & not evaluations on any road except 119th.

b. 1 Call for a permit- Will follow up with the caller and issue if necessary, 60 miles of drive time checking roads, put in gravel requests to the county for additional roads that need it. Burleigh will try to get them completed


F. Weed Board Report – trees in ditches update- Terry not present

            a. Canadian Thistle is a big issue on 66th & Northgate was brought up by a member of the township on the floor. Member had contacted the county and Terry to see about mitigation of the weeds.

           b. Trees in the ditch update provided by Dusty Hasper- Asked Marcus Hall at Burleigh County who is responsible for the removal when tress are in the right of way. If on a county road the county is responsible, If Gravel or township road the township is responsible. County will be removing trees that in their right away this year and will clear the townships for a fee if we choose while they remove theirs. Will be requesting a quote from the county. Also discussed the possibility of Terry looking at other options and pricing from private companies.

           c. Township will inform property owners that the if they have trees in the right of way that they will be removed to keep the right of way cleared.   


5. Zoning Board

- Update on Adam Schmidt, 624 Brome Ave – Commercial use complaint

           a. Letter was sent out by the townships attorney after the last meeting giving 15 days to respond from 07/20/2021. Attorney and board members have not heard from Adam Schmidt and he did not appear at the meeting.

- Update on Terry Hoerer property

           a. Attorney sent a summons with 30 days to respond. Terry Hoerer has not responded to attorney or Sheriff’s department. Attorney on behalf of township will be pursuing civil action for clean-up and fees including attorney fees that the township acquires involving this matter.

- Update on trees and property lines issues- addressed in the weed board

- Zoning regulations committee/special meeting?

           a. Need to request special meetings about how the process should be handled. Will be requesting public input for updates to the zoning regulations.

- Closed Zoning

- Additional items – Eric Richard wrote a letter of compliance and agreement to Burleigh County for the 66th St project. The letter was just outlining what had been voted and approved by the board in the July meeting. Burleigh County had requested a letter. 

6. Adjourn – next meeting, Sept. 13 at 7:34p.m.

Next Township meeting Sept 13th 2021 7pm

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