ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


12/06/2021, 7:00pm

Apple Creek Township

Regular Meeting Minutes

Monday, December 6, 2021 7 p.m.

1. Call to Order- In attendance Mark Springer, Dusty Hasper, Eric Richard, Jerry Kuntz, Jamie Vetsch

2. Minutes – review

a. Motion to approve minutes – 1st Duty 2nd Eric – Vote- Unanimous Yes

3. Update on Township records

a. 1st bill for the work was sent to the Township Invoice 984725-0 totaling $498.00 for the scanning that has been done so far. They asked the township to fill out paperwork to be set up in the system as a customer instead of a cash sale so that the work that is being done can be tracked easier to ensure we stay within budget.

4. Area Reports

A. School Board Report-

a. Last School board meeting was reviewing Policy changes from last years legislatures session and this years session. 20 policies needed to be updated and reviewed. Covid policy was discussed and no changes to are being made at this time. There was an inspection by the USDA for the free school lunch program that the school is piloting. The lunch room kitchen area was rearranged and a few more changes will be made in the lunchroom to meet compliance.

B. Treasurer’s Report

a. Checking account: $54,991.45

b. Savings: $134,327.10

c. 66th St savings: $200,027.10

d. there are 2 checks that need to be deposited. 1. Check from School for $1 for purchase of the school. 2. $75 for a permit issued by the building inspector.

d. 2 bills to be paid. 1. Tao interactive for the website $299.95 and Fireside $498.00 for the documents being scanned.

e. Motion to pay bills: 1st Dusty 2nd Eric- Vote: Unanimous Yes

f. Treasurer asks for funds to purchase a monitor and a keyboard for the township to make things more efficient. $200.00 is what was discussed understanding that it may not cost that much if it is more than $200 the topic needs to be brought back to the board.

g. Vote to approve the equipment for the township: 1st by Eric 2nd Mark- Vote: Unanimous Yes

C, Assessor’s Report: Was not present at the meeting contacted the board prior to meeting to say that last month has gone well and finished all reassessments for the year. Next he will be moving on to building permits for updated assessment.

D. Building Inspector’s Report: Was not present at the meeting. Had contacted Jamie to give update prior to meeting. 7 inspections, 1 permit, 3 phone calls. Greg has not found a building inspector to replace him at the end of the year.

a. Greg had mentioned to Jamie during his update that maybe the township should look into Burleigh County taking over for the building inspector.

b. Discussion board members: Can we talk to the City of Lincoln and see about maybe partnering up with them to hire an individual to assist both the city and the township with permits and inspections. This could be beneficial to both parties as members of the township will know who to go to and it could help keep members of the township from going to city of Lincoln just to be told to come to us.

c. It was decided to invite a representative from the City of Lincoln Zoning and building to the next township meeting to talk about this arrangement and idea. The City of Lincoln has been considering a new building inspector and this may benefit both Township and City of Lincoln.

d. Update on the garage owned by James Hayden at 5101 66th St Se: 2nd story has been taken down. Trusses are sitting on top of the first floor. Project is moving forward as promised by the homeowner and communication has been kept up with the board.

E. Road Supervisor’s Report- 0 calls, roads have been driven to check status of the road conditions. Northgate is good. 119th is doing well. Roads looking into for the upcoming road projects for 2022 48th & Majestic. These are the roads being considered to fix up and try the chemical spray on.

a. 80th st: The county is waiting on an inspection before they can remove the light.

F. Weed Board Report: Not present no update

5. Zoning Board

- Update on Terry Hoerer property: No update from the lawyer.

a. Police report was made to the Burleigh County Sheriff’s office about Terry Hoerer and the comments made at the November meeting.

- Zoning regulations update – information will be presented at next meeting

- Bismarck Planning and Zoning meetings

- Question: Are we going to revisit the lot size requirements for the Township, so that plans could be made for developments or sales to developers?

a. Discussion: If reducing the lot size we should look at other developments around us that already allow smaller lot sizes.

b. Should we plan to have this discussion during the January regular meeting so in case we want to put this on the ballot for the annual meeting. Public input prior would help the board decide if it needs to go to a public vote.

c. It was decided that there would be a special meeting helped prior to the January 3rd regular meeting the special meeting on lot size will begin at 6pm.

Special meeting January 3rd 6pm.: Information only- This meeting will be to here public input on only new developments with a minimum of 40acres. This meeting is to consider allowing new developments with minimum of 40 acres to have smaller lot sizes than the required 5 acres.

  1. guidelines for public input:
    • Must sign in prior to the meeting- Name and address will be required to speak.
    • 2 min for each person
    • Only allowed to speak one time
    • You will only be allowed to address the board not other people in attendance
    • The board will not be answering questions during your 2 min this is just to give your thoughts and opinions on lot size reduction for new developments
    • If you cannot comply with the rules and maintain a respectful manner you will be asked to leave the meeting.

6. Adjourn: 7:56pm

– next meeting, January 3, 2022 at 7 p.m

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