ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


06/06/2022, 07:00 PM

ACT June 6 Board Meeting



In attendance for regular meeting: Jerry Kunz, Eric Richard, Mark Springer, Monte Sicble, Stephen Schnaible, Jamie Vetsch, Roy Kruil


  • Approve minutes for May 2 meeting

          Mark Springer motioned to approve the minutes.

          Monte Sicble 2nd.

          Eric, Mark and Monte approved the motion.



  • Area Reports

          A. School Board - election is happening hours 11-7pm


          B. Treasurer’s Report

             1. Kramer Agency - $366.00

             2. WSI - $251.97


             Checking: $193,292.81


             Savings: $134,415.31


             66st fund: $200,130.13


             Mark Springer made a motion to approve the two bills presented.

             Monte Sicble 2nd

             Eric, Mark, Monte approved the motion.



          C. Assessor - N/A


          D. Building Inspector - handled by county


          E. Road Supervisors Report

             Discussed some roads that needed maintenance.

             Potential cost sharing with 76th St. 50/50 split. (grading/gravel)


          F. Weed Report - Seth Hanson is the contact with the county 934-0088

             Call ahead to make an appointment to pick up spray at county shop


  • Zoning Board


       A. Update on Terry Hoerer property

           In contempt of court based on timeline outlined by the lawyer.

           Mark made a motion to find Terry Hoerer property in contempt.

           Roy Kruil 2nd

           Eric, Mark, Monte, Roy and Terry all approved the motion.


       B. Don Hawkinson - Nuisance vehicles on neighbors property (Jacobson's)

           Eric drove by and looked at the vehicles and talked with the Jacobson’s. He indicated he is not

               going to be able to resolve this conflict. Therefore, recommends to pursue legally to bring

               them into compliance. A letter will be sent first. If still not resolved they will be fined. Don’s

               chicken coup is not required to be permitted.


       C. Harmony Stables - disagreement as to the zoning of at least 5 acres. (total of 20 acres owned)

          John Sanstead - Pastures are zoned agricultural. He says the building is zoned commercial

              (about 5 acres)

              Caroline Crary - potential purchaser to convert to event center.                              

          Realtor is Patrick Koski

          February 7th 2011 was original meeting for re-zoning from Ag to Commercial. They applied

              for 5 acres to be rezoned to commercial, it was approved by ACT (may have been a special

              use permit) but was not given to Burleigh County, or so it seems at this point.

          Mark to look at Jan, Feb, Mar meeting minutes of 2011 to help provide context of

              what happened.


  • Next meeting is July 5th 7pm


Adjourned 7:52pm

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