Regular Meeting


05/03/2010, 7:00 PM

Members Present: Chairman, Paul Zent; Supervisors, Kerry Olson & Ken Selzler; Zoning Board, Jerry Kunz, Assessor, Ed Daniels; Weed Board, Terry Mauch; Road Supervisor, Loren Wolf, Treasurer, Shawn Whitney & Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger.

Members Absent: Zoning Board Michael Michalenko and Steve Ressler.

Chairman Zent opened the meeting and the minutes from the previous meeting were called for and read. With no additions or corrections Supervisor Selzler made a motion to approve the minutes as read, 2nd by Supervisor Olson. The motion was unanimously approved with Supervisors Selzler, Olson and Chairman Zent voting in favor of the motion, Motion Carried.


WEB PAGE UPDATE: Tanya Kraft from Krafty was at the meeting to answer questions and get ideas on what the board wanted on the webpage. After discussion Supervisor Selzler made a motion to have the contract signed with Krafty WebWorks, 2nd by Supervisor Olson. The motion was unanimously approved with Supervisors, Selzler, Olson and Chairman Zent voting in favor of the motion.
Motion Carried. It was decided to have clerk Meidinger and Treasurer Whitney be the township contacts with Tanya. There will be a progress report @ the June meeting.

Road Supervisor’s Report: Supervisor Wolf had an approach permit for Tyler Wollmuth. Supervisor Wolf had samples of gravel from several pits for the supervisors to inspect after the meeting to decide which pit the township was going to get gravel from. There was a complaint about a washout on the west side of 48th Ave, what could the township do? Could a fence be put across the access or sign the road or use a barricade? The road can’t be closed and Chairman Zent and Supervisor Wolf will take a drive out and see what options the township has and report back at the June meeting.

Weed Board: Mr. Mauch said the county will do a cost share on Milestone weed killer of 50% and to let him know of any leafy spurge so he can contact Fertilawn.

Zoning Board: Chairman Zent suspended the regular meeting of ACT to open the zoning board.

  1. First item was to discuss the opening left by the absence of Michael Michalenko. Chairman Zent said the board could appoint someone to fill the position until the next election. Chairman Zent said he had been in contact with Terry Woehl to fill the rest of Mr. Michaleklo’s term. Terry Woehl was at the meeting and said he would fill Mr. Michalenlo’s term. Supervisor Selzler made a motion to have Terry Woehl fill the vacancy on the Zoning Board until the next election, 2nd by Kerry Olson. The motion was unanimously approved with Supervisors Selzler, Olson and Chairman Zent voting in favor of the motion, Motion Carried.
  2. Country View Discussion: The city of Bismarck is going to have a public hearing on May 11th on Country View Subdivision. Bismarck has accepted the subdivision with 16 lots. There was discussion on if that would leave the door open for more lots to be developed. Chairman Zent said he thought Bismarck gave approval for only 16 lots. He went on to say anybody who wants to build will need to get a variance to build on a 1 ½ acre lot. Supervisor Selzler made a motion to give a blanket variance to the 16 lots after the public hearing. The motion died for lack of support. Any other development will need access to the north or east before approval will be given.
  3. Link Estates: Bob Scarlet was at the meeting and wanted to know about getting access to a piece of property that he would like to sell that is land locked. He was wondering about an easement. There is an easement but there are trees and a power line to contend with. The power line would be too costly to move he would prefer to move the access east of the trees. A discussion followed. The board said the road to the property needs to go down the center of the easement. It could not go over any septic system and would be a private drive which means it would be the owner’s responsibility to maintain. Paul Fahlsing asked if the trees could come down. The board said if the trees were planted in the easement they could be taken down but it would be a good idea to inform the landowner before the trees were taken down.
  4. Meetings for rewrite of ACT Zoning Regulations. The township will have 3 extra meeting to rewrite the zoning regulations. The meetings will be June 14th, July 19th & August 9th. Chairman Zent said he had contacted John Sanstead to work with the township on the legal side of the zoning board rewrite. With no other zoning business to discuss Chairman Zent closed the zoning board and reconvened the regular meeting of ACT.

Building Inspector’s Report: No report due to the absence of Steve Ressler. Chairman Zent said the board would like to have Assessor Daniels take the building inspector position. Mr. Daniels had previously been building inspector so there would be minimal training involved to get him up to speed. Also this would make assessing easier because he would have a heads up on any new building projects. After discussion Supervisor Selzler made a motion to have Assessor Daniels take on the responsibilities of building inspector along with his assessing duties, 2nd by Kerry Olson. The motion was unanimously approved with Supervisor’s Selzler, Olson and Chairman Zent voting in favor of the motion, Motion Carried.

Wm. Teply update: Chairman Zent reported he met with Mr. Teply and the property has been cleaned up and Mr. Teply is planning on selling some of the vehicles on his property he will give the township a plan on what he is going to do with the property. Chairman Zent will visit with him again to see what progress has been made.

Assessor’s Report: No report other than the tax equalization meeting went well. Not too many showed up for the meeting and the ones that did show up mainly had general questions on how the valuation was determined.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Whitney reported he had 3 bills to pay and 4 deposits and a total of $157026.12 after review Supervisor Selzler made a motion to pay all bills, 2nd by Supervisor Olson, the motion was unanimously approved with Supervisors, Selzler, Olson and Chairman Zent voting in favor of the motion, Motion Carried.
10135 - $9.45 Cyndy Meidinger supplies
10136 - $ 16.56 Bismarck Tribune ads
10137 - $ 500.00 Krafty WebWorks web page
total - $546.01
previous total - 60,060.14
ytd total - $60,606.15

New Business:

AC School PTO Donation Request: A representative from the AC School PTO enquired if the township board would be willing to support their raffle for another portable with a donation. Chairman Zent said he did not think the board could offer a monetary donation since the bulk of the township voted several times against the proposed addition or a new building for the school. But he did say the board would work with them on waving permit fees and give a variance for extra buildings.

There was a report that Ryan Reihl @ 119th & 22nd Ave South of Alvin Braun’s was putting up a pole barn on his 40 acres. Assessor/Building Inspector Daniels will check into it.

Ed Moch asked about tumbleweeds from Schweitzer’s the board feels this is a problem that should tried to be worked out between the Mochs and Schweitzers. If it cannot be resolved then the township can see if there would be anything they could do.

Rick Stoppler bought the 10 acres on the corner of 93rd St SE and Lincoln Road.

There was a complaint about construction in City View on Susan Drive and no outdoor facilities for the workers. Assessor/Building Inspector Daniels will check with the builder to see what is going on.

Chairman Zent asked if there were any other business to discuss being none he adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,
Cyndy Meidinger
Clerk ACT

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