ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


10/03/2022, 7:00 PM


In Attendance for regular meeting: 

Eric Richard, Mark Springer, Monte Sicble, Jerry Kunz, Gaylen Dewing, Jay Dollinger, Stephen Schnaible, Jamie Vetsch


  1. Call to Order

Chairman Richard called the meeting to order at 7:00pm


  1. Review of Minutes from Sept 12, 2022 meeting

Supervisor Springer made a motion to approve the Sept 12, 2022 meeting minutes

Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion.

No discussion

Vote: Eric Richard – Yes, Mark Springer – Yes, Monte Sicble – Yes

Motion approved.


  1. Area Reports


      1. School Board Report

Dan Riese reports that things are running well and improving every meeting


      1. Treasurer’s Report

Checking: $42,149.61

Savings: $134,499.73

66th St Project: $200,217.54

Payroll Checks: $3,100.00

Payroll Taxes: $474.30

KRKNL, Attorneys at Law: $1,550


      1. Assessor’s Report

Assessor Splonskowski was not present


      1. Building Inspector’s Report – handled by county.

List of permits provided by Mitch via email. Entered into the record


      1. Road Supervisor’s Report

Jay mentioned the following issues:

        1. Request for approach permit
        2. Hillard Ave needs gravel
        3. Need gravel on 66th st and 55th Ave
        4. Culvert jetting  

Request for approach permits are to be handled by the county highway dept.

After some discussion on the need for gravel and in the described locations,

Supervisor Springer made a motion to gravel 66th st and 55th Ave East and

West sides. Supervisor Sicble 2nd.

Vote: Eric – Yes, Mark – Yes, Monte – Yes.

Motion Approved.

Jay found out that the county pays for jetting on culverts 24” or greater

the township would pay for anything less than 24”.

Since the supervisors were not presented with an estimate on the jetting

costs, Supervisor springer made a motion to Apportion $3,500.00 to jet out

culverts in Prairie Wood Estates. Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion.

Vote: Eric – Yes, Mark – Yes, Monte – Yes

Motion approved.



      1. Weed Supervisor's Report

Terry had nothing new to report.

Citizens mentioned that the new guy Seth Hanson is difficult to

work with.


      1. Clerk Updates


  • Fireside File Storage

After some discussion on the necessity of this system or something like it

Supervisor Springer made a motion to Approve costs of the initial setup and

the monthly costs for the Fireside PaperVision software. This will allow us to

store, backup and edit our files. Thus eliminating the need to keep the

paper files.

  • Audio Files

After some communication delays, Stephen reported that TAO is ready to

move forward with the technical changes. TAO requested a ready to use

Youtube link. Stephen will provide as soon as possible.

  • Bank Signatures

The change over on the board requires all members to sign the new

bank signatures forms. Signatures gathered after meeting and delivered

to the bank. Should be resolved.


  1. Zoning Board


  • CO2 Pipeline Turn Key Logistics

Charity Ruley that was going to attend to answer questions cancelled the day of the

meeting. A bit of discussion was had, but no questions were answered as no new information

            was presented. Supervisor Springer made a motion to table the discussion until the Charity

  Ruley is available again. Chairman Richard 2nd the motion.

            Vote: Eric – Yes, Mark – Yes, Monte – Yes

            Motion Approved.


  • Update on Hoerer property


    • Sheriff’s Department statement/recommendations

Chairman Richard got some run around as to which department he needs to deal with.

In the end it is Burleigh County Health Department. He has a meeting the following

Monday with Burt Flieger. If deemed a health hazard the court will order the Sheriff to

assist. A $2,000 fine was levied but Eric is going to check to see if the fine hit his taxes



  • Request for approach permit – 8250 Crest Hill Road

It was discovered that the Highway department gives out approach permits.

Need to talk to Highway Department #701-204-7748.


  1. Adjourn

Chairman Richards adjourned at 8:05.



Meeting Schedule for 2022 year:

Nov. 7

Dec. 5

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