ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


11/07/2022, 7:00 PM


In Attendance for regular meeting: 

Eric Richard, Mark Springer, Monte Sicble, Jerry Kunz, Jay Dollinger, Stephen Schnaible, Jamie Vetsch 


1. Call to Order – Meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard at 7:00pm. 


2. Minutes – Review 

Monte made a motion to “Approve the October regular meeting minutes.” 

Mark Springer 2nd the motion 

Eric – Yes, Mark – Yes, Monte – Yes, motion approved. 

3. Area Reports 


A.  School Board Report  

Dan talked about the property issue and after having it surveyed the school 

ended up with less property. The neighbor Larry is willing to trade some land so

the school has the property it needs and/or he is willing to sign a variance to allow

the building to be set. 


B. Treasurer’s Report 

Checking: $41,683.01 

Savings: $134,499.73 

66th St: $200,260.05 

Supervisor Springer made a motion to “Pay the bills”, Supervisor Sicble 2nd the


Eric – Yes, Mark – Yes, Monte – Yes, motion to pay the bills is approved. 


BTCOA - $725.00 

Fireside - $1,166.30 

Lawyer - $700.00 



C. Assessor’s Report - Mark was not present, nothing to report. 


D. Building Inspector’s Report – Hired Burleigh Country 

Nothing new to report, Mitch was not present. 


E. Road Supervisor’s Report 

Supervisor Springer made a motion to “approve Buck Olson’s approach permit” 

Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion. 

Eric – Yes, Mark – Yes, Monte – Yes, motion is approved. Permit was provided and 

$50.00 fee was collected for the permit. 


Jay is still working on getting culverts jetted. 

The flares now attached to the recently installed culvert. 

Approach permits, ACT approves if it is an ACT Rd. 

Pre-permit application and special use (variance) permit application are on our website. Need to add the approach permit to our website along with a roads map outlining which roads are ACT’s, Burleigh County’s or Highway departments etc. 


F. Weed Supervisor's Report – Nothing to report. 


G. Clerk Updates 


Fireside – approve work proposal 

This was approved under pay the bills section.  

Fireside - approve payment upfront for the year 

This was also approved under the treasurer report, the bill was for two years plus

a setup fee. 


4. Zoning Board 


A. Apple Creek School, building setback variance 

This was covered under the school board report in regards to the discussion. 

Chairman Richard suggested that the school board needs to fill out the special 

 use(variance) permit and get the necessary signatures. 

Supervisor Springer made a motion to “Accept the special use (variance) permit once 

the necessary signatures have been received.” 

Eric – Yes, Mark – Yes, Monte – Yes, motion approved. Once the signatures are received  

variance will be approved. 



B. 8425 Kittie Lane, building setback variance 

The citizen for this issue was not present but was supposed to be. 

Issue is that the building he is erecting based on the dirt work already completed

the building would be 34ft away from property boundary. However, setbacks

require it to be 40ft, he is asking for a variance for the 6ft difference. 

This issue was tabled until next meeting and the requestor of the permit is



C. Jan Hamilton – Guinea hens from neighbors' property 

Jan was supposed to be present, however was unable to attend. 

This issue was brought before the board before. At that time the Reiser’s were 

assessed a $2,000.00 on their taxes in order to get the issue resolved. 

Issue was tabled until discussion could be had with Jan.  

Edit: Jan did send the Clerk a couple emails with pictures and a description of the issue. 

However, it was sent in the afternoon on the day of the meeting and was not received for the meeting. 


     5. Adjourn - Chairman Richard adjourned the meeting at 7:55pm


Meeting Schedule for 2022 year: 

Dec. 5 

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