ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


01/09/2023, 7:00 PM

In Attendance for regular meeting: 

Eric Richard(phone),Mark Springer, Monte Sicble, Jerry Kunz, Gaylen Dewing, Jay Dollinger, Terry Mauch, Mark Splonskowski(phone), Stephen Schnaible


1. Call to Order

     Supervisor Springer called meeting to order at 7:00pm

2. Minutes – Review

     No comments on previous month minutes. Supervisor Sicble made a

     motion to approve the Dec ’22 meeting minutes. Supervisor Springer 2nd

       the motion.

     Vote to approve the minutes:

     Eric: Yes, Mark: Yes, Monte: Yes   Minutes approved.

3.    Jan Wangler – BPS Audit

    Jan discussed how some people are questioning how BPS spends money

    and continually increase their budget. She is staying after our

    meeting if anyone would like to stay after and sign the petition for an

    audit of BPS.


4. Area Reports


A. School Board Report

     Dan Reis gave an update. He indicated that the main thing they have

     been doing is some building maintenance. Such as snow removal on

     the roof and cleaning out the downspouts for the gutters.


B. Treasurer’s Report

            Checking: $47,103.75            There were not any checks

            Savings: $134,636.22            issued this period.

            66th St Project: $200,347.02


C. Assessor’s Report

           Assessor Splonskowski joined the meeting via the phone. He

           indicated the main thing he is focusing on currently is land

           valuations. He is in a 3-5 year process of bringing land valuations up

           to date, as the house valuations are fairly accurate. But the land

           the house rests upon haven’t been adjusted in the same way. The

           land should amount to about 20% of the overall property value.

           He also indicated that state law requires the assessed value to be

           at least 90%, but not to exceed 100% of the actual value.

           Currently, assessor Splonskowski feels like on average across the

           board, assessed value is roughly 95% of actual value.

           Assessor Splonskowski also indicated that because he won his

           election for Burleigh County Auditor, there is a conflict of interest

           in him doing his new position and being the assessor for ACT.

           Therefore, he will have to resign as the ACT assessor. April will be

           Mark’s last month. We will need a new assessor starting May 2023.


D. Building Inspector’s Report – we pay the county to handle.

           Mitch couldn’t attend but indicated to me that there were not any

            permits this period.


E. Road Supervisor’s Report

1. Additional snow removal on some roads

Jay put out a Facebook message to ask people to let him know if there are roads that need the snow pushed back or other snow maintenance. Jay is going to reach out to the country again to see if we can get an estimate for work that needs to be done and why the county did some work without authorization.

Update: Wayne said he misunderstood the email Jay sent and thought it was work to be done, not a request for estimate.

Joseph Lagasse from Boyd Township is asking for a 25% cost share to do some dozer work on 132nd St N of Lincoln Rd. Rates are $160/hr to $230/hr.

Supervisor Richard made a motion to approve the cost share spending.

Supervisor Springer 2nd the motion

Vote on cost share spending approval:

Eric: Yes, Mark: Yes, Monte: Yes-Spending authorization approved.



F. Weed Supervisor's Report

           Weed Supervisor Terry reported that the weeds are dead!


  1. Zoning Board
  1. Jan Hamilton – Guinea hens from Risser’s property

           The board listened to the concerns of the Hamilton’s. However, the Risser’s

           were unable to attend the meeting. Therefore, the board could not get input from the

           other side. After some discussion amongst the zoning board and since this is

           an issue that has occurred before, the same solution was suggested.

          Jerry Kunz made a motion to “put the $2,000.00 fine into effect via tax lien, until

          compliance, if compliance is reached the fine can be removed.”

           Supervisor Springer 2nd the motion. Vote on the motion was held:

           Eric: Yes, Mark: Yes, Monte: Abstain, Jerry: Yes, Gaylen: Yes. Motion approved.

           Clerk Schnaible will send communication to the lawyer. Asking him to write the Risser’s

           a letter to inform them of the board’s decision.


  1. Hoarer property – Eric was not able to move forward with this as the snowfall severely hindered the ability to get an estimate for the removal of the required items.



  1. Adjourn – Supervisor Springer adjourned the meeting at 7:58pm.


  Meeting Schedule for 2023 year:

February 6

March 6

March 21 Annual Meeting

April 3

May 1

June 5

July 3

August 7

September 11

October 2

November 6

              December 4

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