ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


04/03/2023, 7:00 PM

In Attendance: Gaylen Dewing, Monte Sicble, Jerry Kunz, Dan Reis, Jay Dollinger, Stephen Schnaible and Jamie Vetsch


1. Call to Order – Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Sicble.

Swearing of oaths. Gaylen Dewing, Dan Reis and Stephen Schnaible swore their oaths and signed the oaths.

Election of Chair:

Supervisor Dewing nominated Supervisor Sicble to be Chairman.

Jerry 2nd the motion

No other nominations were given.

Vote: Jerry - Yes, Gaylen - Yes Monte - Yes

Supervisor Sicble elected as Chair.


2. Minutes – Review

Clerk Schnaible read the minutes from last month's meeting.

Gaylen made a motion to approve the minutes.

Chairman Sicble 2nd the motion.

Vote: Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes

Last month’s minutes are approved.


3. Apple Creek Country Club

Ty Hauglie(spelling?) is requesting renewal of the country club’s liquor license.

Supervisor Dewing made a motion to approve the liquor license.

Chairman Sicble 2nd the motion

Vote: Monte - Yes, Gaylen - Yes


4. Area Reports

A. School Board Report

Dan Reis reported that there is some maintenance that needs to be done. Such as gutters on two of the buildings.

Enrollment is about 68 students


B. Treasurer’s Report

Checking: $131,172.55

Savings: $134,733.27

66th St Project: $200,484.22

Jamie decided that judges for the annual meeting would get $20 for their services.

Supervisor Dewing made a motion to pay the bills

Chairman Sicble 2nd the motion

Vote: Monte – Yes, Gaylen – Yes

Motion approved.


C. Assessor’s Report

The tax equalization meeting will be held on Apr 10, 2023. This will also be Mark Splonskowski’s last day as Apple Creek Township’s assessor.


D. Building Inspector’s Report – we pay the county to handle.

No update was provided on status of permitting by Mitch at the county.


E. Road Supervisor’s Report

Discussed the culverts that need jetting yet in Prairie wood estates. Chad Dunbar from the country thought that only one culvert needed to be jetted. Sod needs to be removed from some of the culverts. If the county does this they would hire a contractor that would cost upwards of $20,000.

F. Weed Supervisors Report

Terry was absent. However, there was some discussion on treating wormwood that should be discussed at the next meeting.

5. Zoning Board

A. Email from Christopher Lutz regarding cluttered yards

Clerk will respond to the email saying the board is sending a letter to each property, to see if they will comply. If the letters have no effect, Chistopher will have to come to the next meeting to make a formal complaint. Then the board can take further action.

Jerry Kunz made a motion to send a letter to the two addresses mentioned in the complaint, to request they clean up the yards.

Dan Reis 2nd the motion.

Vote: Monte - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Jerry - Yes, Dan - Yes

Motion approved.


6. Adjourn - Chairman Sicble adjourned the meeting at 8:17pm.

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