ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


10/02/2023, 7:00 PM

In Attendance: Monte Sicble, Eric Richard, Gaylen Dewing, Jerry Kunz, Dan Reis, Jay Dollinger Jamie Vetsch and Stephen Schnaible


1. Call to Order

Chairman Sicble called the meeting to order at 7:03pm.

2. Minutes Review

A. Corrections and approval of the Minutes from the previous meeting.

Chairman Sicble made a motion to approve the minutes from the Sept. meeting.

Supervisor Richard 2nd the motion.

Vote: Monte - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Eric - Yes.

Motion Approved.

3. Old Business

A. Website Messages

1. Kittie Lane street Sign - Street sign was replaced before this meeting

2. Request for comprehensive plan - still trying to locate this. Eric will have to check the files stored at his shop.

4. New Business

A. Tax Abatements (1)

Chairman Sicble made a motion to Approve the requested tax abatement for Kevin and Elizabeth Schieve.
Supervisor Dewing 2nd the motion.
Vote: Monte - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Eric - Yes
Motion Approved.

5. Area Reports

A. School Board Report - Dan Ries

Reviewed property values with the insurance agent and increased the insured value on the buildings.


B. Treasurers Report - Jamie Vetsch

Checking: $203,859.17
Savings: $134,946.20
Savings 2: $200,775.90

Supervisor Richard made a motion to pay the bills
Supervisor Dewing 2nd the motion.
Vote: Monte - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Eric - Yes
Motion Approved

C. Assesors Report - Marie Horning

Not present.

D. Building Inspector's Report - Burleigh County

1. Review Permit report from the County

Reviewed permit report, no was action requested or taken by the board.

E. Road Supervisors Report - Jay Dollinger

Briefly discussed repair need on 62nd street and the effects of a driveway washing out Palamino Dr.

F. Weed Supervisors Report - Dusty Hasper

Not present

6. Zoning Board

Zoning portion of the meeting was opened. Roll Call was taken:

Monte: Present, Gaylen: Present, Eric: Pesent, Dan: Present, Jerry: Present.

A. Hoerer Property - assessment approval

Supervisor Richard made a motion to "Forward the bill on to the lawyer and have it assessed on the Hoerer taxes and any further charges as a result of this cleanup."
Supervisor Dewing 2nd the motion.
Vote: Monte - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Eric - Yes, Dan - Yes, Jerry - Yes
Motion Approved

B. Burleigh County/FEMA Flood Insurance - Burleigh Country is requesting that ACT board signs documentation agreeing to accept FEMA insurance. Supervisor Richard would like to review the documentation and talk to Mitch before making a decision at this meeting.

7. Adjourn

Chairman Sicble adjourned the meeting at 8:08pm.

Meeting Schedule:
November 6
December 4

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