ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


04/08/2024, 7:00pm

In Attendance: Monte Sicble, Gaylen Dewing, Dan Reis, Jerry Kunz, Terry Woehl, Dusty Hasper, Roy Kuil, Stephen Schnaible, Randy Strom and Marie Horning


1. Call to Order

Chairman Sicble called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

2. Elect Chairman of the board

Chairman Sicble made a motion to elect Supervisor Dewing to position of Chairman.
Supervisor Reis 2nd the motion
Vote: Monte - Yes, Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes
Motion approved - Supervisor Dewing elected to position of Chairman.

3. Thank you to Eric Richard, Jamie Vetsch and Jay Dollinger for their service to the Township.

4. Recess Board of Supervisors - Open Zoning Board

A. Accept Resignation from Dan Reis - Dan Reis resigned from the Zoning Board, his resignation was accepted.
B. Appoint New Zoning Board Member

Chairman Dewing made a motion to appoint Terry Woehl to the Zoning Board.
This is to fill Dan Reis' vacancy which had 1 year left on that term.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes, Jerry - Yes
Motion approved - Terry Woehl appointed to the Zoning Board 1 year term.

C. Oath of Office for new Board Members

Clerk Schnaible issued oath of office to the following new Board Members:
Gaylen Dewing - Chairman
Dan Reis - Supervisor
Jerry Kuntz - Zoning Board
Terry Woehl - Zoning Board
Randy Strom - Treasurer

D. Old Business

1. Consider Application for Vacant Building Inspector Position

a. Introduce Robert Melhoff

Robert Melhoff introduced himself and described the services he could offer the Township
for the Building Inspector position and permitting process. Robert is bonded and insured.
He would be paid through a percentage of the permit fee depending on the type of permit.
Paperwork would be handled through a triplicate of the permit and a summarized
spreadsheet send to the clerk/board once a month.

b. Q & A and Discussion

Considering the options it seems the board can do one of the following:

1. Hire Robert
2. Seek other applicants and then decide
3. Stay with the County

Several in the community suggested the Township should at a minimum fulfill our contract
with the County.
Supervisor Kuntz made a motion for Supervisor Reis to talk with Mitch at the County to
see what options we have regarding our contract with the County.
Supervisor Reis 2nd the motion
Vote: Dan - Yes, Monte - No, Gaylen - Yes, Jerry - Yes, Terry - Yes
Motion approved.

2. Discuss illegal mobile home on Johnson property

Two letter were sent to the Johnsons regarding the illegal mobile home. It was also
mentioned that after the letters were sent the Johnsons added a walkway at the
entrance of the mobile home. That is all that is known for the current status.
Dan is going to talk with Mitch to see if there is any more information and to see
what are options are beyond the following:

1. Have the attorney send the Johnsons a letter
2. Get a court order to have the mobile home removed

The board will reassess after Dan talks with Mitch.

3. Update on Golf Course

Kate Black and Zach Dosche talked with board and citizens present to try and find a path
forward. Zach indicated that a PUD is necessary for the golf coarse to move forward. Zach
also suggested that the approach could be moved off of 62nd St to 66th St if that would
help move things along. However, the citizens of Apple Creek Township indicated they are
unanimously opposed to PUDs at the annual meeting. Additionally at this meeting there
was no support for having smaller than 5 acre lot sizes.

4. Any other old business?


E. New Business

1. Review of Annual Meeting Minutes

Annual Meeting minutes will be approved at the next Annual Meeting. The minutes
currently posted are only a draft.

2. Appoint someone to the Bismarck ETA Joint Zoning Board

Supervisor Sicble volunteered to be on the Joint Zoning Board.
Supervisor Reis made a motion to have Monte join the Joint Zoing Board.
Chairman Dewing 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - No, Jerry - Yes, Terry - Yes
Motion approved.

3. Other new business

Jerry brought it to our attention that Lincoln is developing the land on 80th st and Lincoln Road.
It is understood to be a residential development and the roads for said development will be
gravel because the connected road is gravel. At least initially.

F. Adjourn Zoning Board - Reconvene Board of Supervisors


5. Minutes Review

A. Corrections and approval of the Minutes from the previous meeting.

Supervisor Sicble made a motion to approve the minutes from the 3/4/24 meeting.
Supervisor Reis 2nd the motion
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes
Motion approved.

6. Area Reports

A. School Board Report - Dan Ries

The school board is working on approvals for a new camera/security system.

B. Treasurer's Report - Randy Strom

Checking: $302,845.60
Savings: $135,154.88
Savings 2: $201,068.01
Payroll: $3,074.90
Taxes: $204.21

Jamie is being removed as a bank signatory at Dakota Community Bank. Dan Reis
and Randy Strom need to be added.

Chairman Dewing made a motion move money from the accounts to create 8 -50k 12month CD's
and 2 - 50k 6month CD's.
Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes

C. Assesor's Report - Marie Horning


D. Building Inspector's Report - Burleigh County


E. Road Supervisor's Report - Roy Kuil

Roy attended a meeting on 3/16/24 to get an update on the bridge rebuild on Apple Creek Rd.
Rebuild is supposed to start in 2026 with a one to two year build time. Bridge is being rebuilt
with federal grant money.

Roy mentioned that Duchess Dr has asphalt that has collapsed. To repair this they will need to
dig down and rebuild the base. That will get started this spring.

F. Weed Supervisor's Report - Dusty Hasper


7. Old Business


8. New Business

A. Consider Recommendations of zoning Board

1. Building Inspector position

Supervisor Reis is going to talk with Mitch to see what our options are with the contract.

2. Johnson mobile home

Dan is going to talk with Mitch to see if there is any more information and to see
what are options are.

9. Adjourn

Supervisor Reis made a motion to adjourn at 8:59
Supervisor Sicble 2nd.
All board members voted yes.
Meeting Adjourned.


Meeting Schedule:
May 6
June 3
July 8
August 5
September 9
October 7
November 4
December 2

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