ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


06/03/2024, 7:00 PM

In Attendance: Monte Sicble, Gaylen Dewing, Dan Reis, Jerry Kunz, Terry Woehl, Dusty Hasper, Roy Kuil, Stephen Schnaible, Randy Strom and Marie Horning

1. Call to Order

Chairman Dewing called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

Roll Call was taken:
Dan: Present, Gaylen: Present, Monte: Present

Supervisor Sicble made a motion to move the zoning meeting to the
top of the agenda.
Supervisor Dewing 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes.
Approved to move the zoning meeting to the top of the agenda.

6. Zoning Board

The regular meeting was suspended and the Zoning portion of the meeting called
to order. Roll Call: Dan: present, Gaylen: present, Monte: present, Jerry: present
Terry: present.

A. Rick Johnson - Mobile Home without a permit

According to Mitch, Rick Johnson moved a mobile home on his property
around Sept/Oct of last year. No permits were requested for the mobile home
or Sewer/water/electrical. Two letters were previously sent indicating the property is not properly permitted nor are mobile homes allowed. Mitch sent a Stop Work Order on May 8th after finding out that entryway was being added to the property. Rick had 30days from that date to respond or appeal. Rick contacted Mitch and requested an appeal which is why this agenda item was added. However Rick did not show up at this meeting. Therefore his appeal process was nullified. The board is contacting the lawyer to have him send Rick a letter to indicate the mobile home has to be removed through the legal process and as fast as the law/courts allow.
Zoning Supervisor Kunz made a motion to deny Mr. Johnon's appeal and demand the mobile home is removed as soon as possible.
Supervisor Reis 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes, Terry - Yes, Jerry - Yes
Motion approved.

B. John Holzer - vehicles and misc items on property

A letter was attempted to be delivered by the Sheriff to Myrtle Holzer at
9164 Bar-D Road, Bismarck, ND 58504. The letter indicated that they are
breaking the zoning ordinances 7.2 and 7.3 because of the vehicles and
other items all over the property. Myrtle can request a hearing or comply
with bringing the property into compliance within 15 days of the date of the
lettter, which was May 29, 2024. Failure to do one of these can result in
a $2,000 fine and additional costs incurred by the township to bring the
property into compliance.

There were other citizens present that suggested the properties are in such
poor condition that they should simply be condemned because they are both
fire and health hazards. The board advised they don't have the power to condemn and can only action violations of the ordinances.

C. Terry, Jerry and Monte went to a Lincoln meeting because the city is wanting

to annex 426 acres that is already in Lincolns ETA. This property is between
22nd Ave SE and Lincoln Rd. it is behind the housing development on 66th St
and formerly Club Fido(a map was provided at the meeting). The owners
of this property intend on turning it into a housing development. There
does not seem to be a way to stop this or appeal, because it is in Lincoln's ETA.

Supervisor Sicble made a motion to adjourn the zoning meeting
Chairman Dewing 2nd the motion
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes, Jerry - Yes, Terry - Yes
Zoning meeting adjourned regular meeting re-initatied.

2. Minutes Review

A. Corrections and approval of the Minutes from the previous meeting.
Supervisor Sicble made a motion to approve the minutes from the May
Supervisor Reis 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes

3. Old Business


4. New Business

Zoning Supervisor Kunz asked how questions about shipping containers
should be handled. The board indicated that our current ordinances do not
address shipping containers either way, unless they are used to build a permanent
structure. Then the citizen would need to comply with the ordinances for that type
of structure.

5. Area Reports

A. School Board Report - Terry Woehl

The new camera system is in place. It has a much better resolution, faster
frame rate and wider angle viewing.
24 students are enrolled in summer school.
School board election is Tuesday June 4th from 11am-7pm.

B. Treasurers Report - Randy Strom

Checking: $252,956.25
Savings 1: $1,160.00
Savings 2: $35,154.00
Randy moved money from savings 1 and 2 into the followin CD's.
1 - $100,000 CD at 5% for 1 year
4 - $50,000 CD's at 4.6% for 6 months
one check to Burleigh County for $8,059.46

C. Assesors Report - Marie Horning

Marie will be absent for July's meeting and would like to talk about
renewing her work agreement during the August meeting.
Country Equalization meeting occurred and was approved and did not
require any appeals.

D. Building Inspector's Report - Burleigh County

1. Permit application for Tim Hagen - 9120 Creekside Dr
Tim Hagen would like to build a shop-condo. It will at most be a
part time residence.
Supervisor Reis made a motion to approve Tim Hagen's permit
Chairman Dewing 2nd the motion
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - No
Motion and permit approved.

The permit report from Burleigh County was reviewed.
Chairman Dewing made a motion to accept all building permits
Supervisor Reis 2nd the motion
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes

E. Road Supervisors Report - Roy Kuil

Roy is getting an updated quote from Trent Guthmiller on the
culvert replacement that was quoted last fall.
He said he needs to get out and drive some more roads and
that another 1 1/4 miles needs to graveled than previously
thought. On Heatherwood lane there is a drainage issue. The culvert
is not plugged, but the road may need to be raised or add an
additional culvert.

F. Weed Supervisors Report - Dusty Hasper

Dusty said that Terry Moch reported some weeds in the ditch
that needs to get looked at. However, Burleigh County is not doing
cost sharing this year and they still do not have a weed board.

7. Adjourn

Supervisor Reis made a motion to adjourn the meeting
Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes
Meeting adjourned at 8:46pm

Meeting Schedule:
July 8
August 5
September 9
October 7
November 4
December 2

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