ACT Board of Supervisors Agenda


07/08/2024, 7:00 PM

1. Call to Order


2. Minutes Review

A. Corrections and approval of the Minutes from the previous meeting.

3. Old Business


4. New Business


5. Area Reports


A. School Board Report - Terry Woehl


B. Treasurers Report - Randy Strom


C. Assesors Report - Marie Horning


D. Building Inspector's Report - Burleigh County

1. Review and approve the permit report

E. Road Supervisors Report - Roy Kuil


F. Weed Supervisors Report - Dusty Hasper


6. Zoning Board

A. John Holzer - vehicles and misc items on property - approve request
    from lawyer.


7. Adjourn

Meeting Schedule:
August 5
September 9
October 7
November 4
December 2

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