ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting


07/08/2024, 7:00pm

In Attendance: Monte Sicble, Gaylen Dewing, Dan Reis, Jerry Kunz, Terry Woehl, Roy Kuil, Stephen Schnaible, and Randy Strom

Roll Call - Dan: Yes, Gaylen: Yes, Monte: Yes, Terry: Yes, Jerry: Yes.

1. Call to Order

Chairman Dewing called the meeting to order at 7:03pm.


2. Minutes Review

A. Corrections and approval of the Minutes from the previous meeting.
Supervisor Reis made a motion to approve the minutes as amended
(current version on website)
Chairman Dewing 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes.
Minutes approved as amended.

6. Zoning Board

Supervisor Reis made a motion to move the zoning portion of the meeting up on the agenda.
Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes
Motion Approved.

Chairman Dewing closed the regular portion of the meeting and opened the zoning portion.

Much discussion was had around the "to be annexed" land by City of Lincoln referred to as
"Ridge Development" and whose responsible for the road maintenance. To be sure Apple Creek
Township does not incur additional expenses, those expenses should be paid by the developer.

A. John Holzer - vehicles and misc items on property - approve request
    from lawyer.

Myrtle Holzer called Supervisor Sicble and asked for the letter to be delivered to her. Once
she receives the letter, she is going to make her sons clean up the property.

Rick Johnson property is becoming more of an issue as he is adding on more to the mobile home.

Supervisor Reis made a motion to adjourn the Zoning meeting and reconvene the regular meeting.
Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion.
Vote:  Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes, Jerry - Yes, Terry - Yes.

3. Old Business

It was discussed on whether we need a committee for handling portable containers.
No resolution.

4. New Business

Apple Creek Farms (ReNay Zundel) Liquor license request and two special use permits.
-Allow a major agriculture recreation use and an accessory dwelling unit on the property.
Supervisor Reis made a motion to approve the liquor license.
Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes.
License approved.

5. Area Reports


A. School Board Report - Terry Woehl

Terry reported that they have 20 students in summer school and 12 in after care.

B. Treasurers Report - Randy Strom

Checking: $251,503.92
Savings: $36,402.91
1 - $100,000 CD
4 - $50,000 CD's

C. Assessors Report - Marie Horning


D. Building Inspector's Report - Burleigh County

1. Review and approve the permit report
Supervisor Sicble made a motion to approve the permits on the monthly report
Supervisor Reis 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes.
Permits approved.

E. Road Supervisors Report - Roy Kuil

Roy reported that some roads have been graveled and/or graded.
Also that Viking Dr and Barston lane are a mess after new gravel followed by rain.

F. Weed Supervisors Report - Dusty Hasper

Dusty was absent but reported through Dan, that Burleigh County has a new
Weed Supervisor. They should begin spraying within a week. Please contact Dusty
if you need any spraying.

7. Adjourn

Supervisor Sicble made a motion to adjourn.
Supervisor Reis 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes.
Meeting adjourned at 8:38pm.

Meeting Schedule:
August 5
September 9
October 7
November 4
December 2

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