ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting
10/07/2024, 7:00 PM
In Attendance: Monte Sicble, Gaylen Dewing, Dan Reis, Jerry Kunz, Terry Woehl, Stephen Schnaible,
Dusty Hasper, Roy Kuil and Randy Strom
1. Call to Order
Chairman Dewing called meeting to order at 7:03pm.
Roll Call Dan: Present, Gaylen: Present, Monte: Present
2. Minutes Review
A. Corrections and approval of the Minutes from the previous meeting.
Supervisor Reis made a motion to approve the minutes from the Sept 9, 2024 Meeting.
Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes
Motion approved.
3. Old Business
a. Further ordinance committee discussion
Gerald Miller - our rep from the NDTOA attended the meeting for questions regarding this commission.
He indicated that the board can form this committee and they can be paid positions. These positions
would not be limited to the $4,000.00 annual limit that other board members are limited too.
There is still a question as to how much time will be required for these positions. It is still an unknown
at this point.
Current volunteers for the positions are:
Sam Helma
Jan Hamilton
Dusty Hasper
Joe Gartner
4. New Business
5. Area Reports
A. School Board Report - Terry Woehl
School board is still looking into the foundation repair. Looked into grant opportunities however
the needs don't match. The funding must come from the school. They are still getting quotes
from other contractors.
B. Treasurers Report - Randy Strom
1. Budget Hearing - public notice was given - No questions or feedback from the public
2. Approve bills to be paid - see below
Checking: $151,485.51
Savings: $36425.60
Bills: Payroll - $5,390.88, Mileage - 193.63, Payroll Taxes - 458.24,
Guthmiller & Sons - $26,600.00, Burleigh County - $540.20, ES Attorney's $720.00
Supervisor Reis made a motion to pay the bills.
Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes
Motion approved.
C. Assessors Report - Marie Horning
One property owner had an issue with their record, Marie worked through it with them.
She also handled a couple other calls.
D. Building Inspector's Report - Burleigh County
1. Review and approve the permit report
Supervisor Sicble made a motion to approve the permits on the permit report.
Supervisor Reis 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes
Motion approved.
2. Josh Lengenfelder 960' quonset - requested permit approval
8645 Pleasantview Road
Supervisor Sicble made a motion to approve Josh Lengenfelder's permit.
Supervisor Reis 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes
Motion approved.
E. Road Supervisors Report - Roy Kuil
Roy reported there were several complaints about wash boarding on the roads. However, the
County is done blading for the year.
Roy reported to the county the culverts that were mentioned last meeting. They appeared to
be hit by the County during mowing. Roy hadn't received any feedback yet from the county.
F. Weed Supervisors Report - Dusty Hasper
Dusty has nothing new to report.
6. Zoning Board
Chairman Dewing recessed the regular meeting and called to order the zoning portion of the meeting.
Roll Call: Dan - Present, Gaylen - Present, Monte - Present, Terry - Present, Jerry - Present.
A. Joe Gartner and Scott Reuschlein regarding number of horses allowed
Sam Helma made a complaint that some of the properties in Mees Country Home Estates have
more horses than allowed for their lot size. The covenants allow for horses
(unspecified quantity), but the covenants seem to be expired as there has not been a covenant
committee meeting in the last 10 years. Since the covenants appear to be expired, Apple Creek
Township ordinances would take effect. The township ordinances defer to Burleigh County
zoning, which says the following:
Article 12 Section 2.8 "that two (2) horses shall be permitted on any
premises which contains at least two (2) acres and additional horses shall be allowed at
the rate of one (1) horse for every additional three (3) acres of property owned"
Some of the lots that have horses are under two acres and therefore wouldn't allow for any
horses at all, but currently have 3-4 horses. Some lots are just over two acres but still have
3-4 horses which should only be allowed 2 horses. According to Burleigh County Zoning.
It was decided that the topic would be tabled for the next meeting so that the parties involved
can gather more information. Mainly to confirm that covenants committee has not met within the
last 10 years and to determine if and how the covenants could be reinstated.
B. Update on Myrtle Holzer property
Monte says he talks with Myrtle almost every week and improvements continue to be made.
Dan said he recently knocked on the doors of the property and couldn't find anyone to talk to.
Supervisor Reis made a motion to "Begin the process of getting it cleaned up whether she wants
or not. She has one week." Monte is going to check with the attorney and the motion is
contingent on timeline approval from the attorney.
Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes, Terry - Yes, Jerry - Yes
Motion approved.
C. Update on Rick Johnson property
Monte is going to check with the lawyer on the status of the letter the lawyer sent out or if there
is any other update from the lawyer.
D. Absolute Gun Dogs - Adding a storage building.
Approximately 50x80 to be used for equipment and winter dog training.
The board requested additional documentation to determine if approval will be given.
Tabled until next meeting.
E. ES Attorney's working Restrictive Road Ordinance.
The new road ordinance restriction would apply to:
14 subdivision road
A number of section line roads
5 streets
Signage will need to be created and put up. (Signs by Jan) Marv A. is working on these.
The county will erect the signs for the township.
7. Adjourn
Supervisor Reis made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion.
Vote: Dan - Yes, Gaylen - Yes, Monte - Yes.
Motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:18 PM.
Meeting Schedule:
November 11
December 2