ACT Board of Supervisors Meeting
01/06/2025, 7:00 PM
In Attendance: Monte Sicble, Dan Reis, Jerry Kunz, Terry Woehl, Stephen Schnaible, Dusty Hasper, Roy Kuil and Randy Strom
1. Call to Order
Supervisor Reis called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Roll Call: Dan - Present, Monte - Present, Gaylen - Not present.
2. Minutes Review
A. Corrections and approval of the Minutes from the previous meeting.
3. Old Business
A. Ordinance committee update
Trying to meet weekly. Willing to take input from the public for prioritizing what needs to be reviewed.
B. Zoning designation for property at 450 119th St NE
Klein property - update?
No update - Monte is going to talk to Mitch.
4. New Business
A. Tax Abatement request - Tabled because Gaylen had the abatement and was absent.
5. Area Reports
A. School Board Report - Terry Woehl
Nothing new to report.
B. Treasurers Report - Randy Strom
1. Approve bills to be paid
Checking: $114,949.05
Savings: $119.71
5 CD's at 50k each
1 CD at 100k
Payroll: $5,524.79
Mileage: $196.98
Kelsch Law firm: $1,098.24
ES Attorney's: $1,260.00
Randy Reimbursement: $162.37
Burleigh County: $4,159.83
Supervisor Reis made a motion to pay the bills
Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion
Vote: Dan - Yes, Monte - Yes
Motion approved.
Treasurer Strom worked through the issues with the IRS and there is no penalty or other costs.
C. Assessors Report - Marie Horning
1. Pick a date for the Tax Equalization meeting (Public Notice)
Supervisor Reis made a motion to have the tax equalization meeting after our regular meeting
on April 7, 2025.
Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion
Vote: Dan - Yes, Monte - Yes
D. Building Inspector's Report - Burleigh County
1. Review and approve the permit reports for Dec & Jan
No permits for Apple Creek.
E. Road Supervisors Report - Roy Kuil
Roy Drove lots of roads, turned in the road maintenance agreement and graveling
map to Burleigh County. He is going to verify that roads in the Lincoln annexation will
be removed from ACT's costs.
F. Weed Supervisors Report - Dusty Hasper
Nothing new to report.
6. Zoning Board
Supervisor Reis closed the regular meeting and opened the zoning portion
Roll Call: Dan - Present, Monte - Present, Gaylen - Not present, Terry - Present, Jerry - Present
A. Myrtle Holzer hearing request
Myrtle didn't show up for her hearing.
Supervisor Sicble made a motion to move forward with civil action through ACT's attorney.
Supervisor Reis 2nd the motion
Vote: Dan - Yes, Monte - Yes
B. Update on Rick Johnson property
Dan talked to him, and he is going to come to the next meeting to plead his case.
C. Road Restrictions Ordinance
A few suggestions were made as a possibility instead of the road ordinance that was
proposed at special meeting.
1. Discussed applying the restrictions on only the roads that are a concern not the
whole township.
2. Discussed a special use permit based on axle weight alone
We also need to find out if the text of the road ordinance is changed is another
special meeting required for public review.
Supervisor Reis made a motion to table this item until next meeting.
Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion
Vote: Dan - Yes, Monte - Yes, Terry - Yes, Jerry - Yes
Motion approved.
Supervisor Reis closed the zoning portion of the meeting and reopened the regular meeting.
Jeremy from the Sheriff's department gave an update on the Myrtle Holzer property.
The case is closed and forwarded to the BC States Attorney for review with the charge
of "Maintaining a public nuisance". This could result in a $500 fine with no jail time.
7. Adjourn
Supervisor Reis made a motion to adjourn
Supervisor Sicble 2nd the motion
Vote: Dan - Yes, Monte - Yes
Adjourned at 8:02 PM
Meeting Schedule - 2025:
February 3
March 3
April 7
May 5
June 2
July 7
August 4
September 2 (1st is Labor Day)
October 6
November 3
December 1