

12/02/2013, 7 PM

Regular Meeting

December 2nd, 2013 7:00 PM

Members present: Kerry Olson, Chairman; Paul Zent, Supervisor; Ken Selzler, Supervisor; Jerry Kunz, Zoning Board Member; Terry Mauch, Weed Board; Greg Hillig, Building Inspector; Loren Wolf, Road Supervisor; Mike Schwartz, Treasurer; and Ann Willoughby, Clerk; 

Members absent: Rick Solberg, Zoning Board Member, Cole Shantz

Chairman Olson opened the meeting.

Supervisor Zent made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Supervisor Selzler seconded the motion. The motion passed with Supervisors Zent and Selzler and Chairman Olson voting in favor.

School board Report:  No report.

Zoning Board Report: No report.

Assessor’s report:   Supervisor’s Zent and Selzler and Chairman Olson met with Van Guard appraisers on the 11th of November to discuss the appraisals in the township. The meeting was reported to have gone well.  Board members continue to receive reports of “curbside” appraisals.

Building Inspector’s Report:

Mr. Greg Hillig has agreed to stay on though January as the building inspector.  Issued six building permits

Road Supervisor’s Report:  The road contract needs to be signed. The original road supervisor contract does not obligate the  township to anything.  Map will be filled in and it will be sent to Burleigh County in May.  Motion was made by Supervisor Zent to send the contract in May. Motion passed with Supervisor Selzler and Chairman Olson voting in favor to send the contract in May.


Weed report – No report


Treasures’ Report: Bank Balance $356,078.30, Bills: Bismarck Tribune $64.13, Northern Improvement $47,516.30; Great American Trucking $8,280; Van Guard $57,604, fees were paid to board members.


Supervisor Zent made a motion to pay bills. The motion passed with Supervisors Zent and Selzler and Chairman Olson voting in favor. 

Additional Business – Cole Shantz purchased laptop computers for the clerk and assessor. Bill for lap top computers has not yet been turned in to be paid. 

Kim Keeper wants to know who owns the fence on his property.  More information is needed to be able to be able to make a statement as to ownership.

No other business.  Meeting adjourned.

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