

03/03/2014, 7:00 PM

Regular Meeting March 3rd, 2014 7:00 PM

Members present: Kerry Olson - Chairman, Ken Selzler- Supervisor, Paul Zent - Superviso, Jerry Kunz - Zoning Board Member, Terry Mauch - Weed Board, Greg Hillig - Building Inspector, Loren  Wolf - Road Supervisor, Cole Shantz - Assessor, Rick Solberg- Zoning board, Mike Schwartz

Board Members absent: Ann Willoughby - Clerk, Loren Wolf- road supervisor.

Chairman Olson opened the meeting. Chairman Olson made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Supervisor Selzler seconded the motion. The motion passed with Chairman Olson and Supervisors Selzler and Zent voting in favor.

School board Report: No report. Meeting at Pine Meadows Subdivision at 5:30 in the Baker Room to change School District Boundaries.

Zoning Board Report: No report.

Building Inspector’s Report: Wrote one permit. Ray Zielgler of Burleigh CO. willing to attend a township meeting by mid-summer.

Road Supervisor’s Report: No report

Weed report: No report

Treasures’ Report: No report

Motion made to pay bills by Supervisor Selzler, Supervisor Zent seconded. Chairman Olson, Supervisors Selzler and Zent all approved. Motion passed.

Other Business

Variance for Rick and Deb Stoppler to enclose lean-to on North side of barn for hay; size would be 12 x 60 ft.

Terry Mauch – 40 acres for daughter, just preliminary information at this time.

Leon Mettinger talked to Supervisor Zent about temporary trailer house on his proprety while he builds

Annual Meeting will be held on March 18, 2014.

No other business.

Meeting adjourned.


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