Regular Meeting


02/06/2012, 7PM

Minutes will be approved & or corrected @ the March meeting

Members Present: Supervisors, Paul Zent & Ken Selzler; Zoning Board, Jerry Kunz & Rick Solberg; Assessor, Roger Thompson;  Building Inspector, Greg Hillig; Road Supervisor/Treasurer, JP Moszer;  Weed Board, Terry Mauch and Clerk, Cyndy Meidinger.

Members Absent: Chairman, Kerry Olson.

Supervisor Selzler chaired the meeting in the absence of Chairman Olson and introduced the members of the board. He also took the opportunity to welcome Bob Johnson, Lincoln Mayor to the meeting.

The minutes from the previous meeting were called for and read. With no additions or corrections supervisor Zent made a motion to approve the minutes as read, 2nd by Supervisor Selzler. The motion was unanimously approved with Supervisors Zent & Selzler voting in favor of the motion.

School Board Report: No one present to give a report.

Road Supervisors Report: Supervisor Moszer had contacted the county about the downed yield sign on 93rd & 62nd St. and warning sign on 109th St. He also said he had contacted Mr. Gabel and was not making any head way. Supervisors Zent and Selzler agreed that Mr. Gabel needed to correct the problem and if he would not the only option left is to contact the sheriff’s department. Supervisor Moszer said Dan Murry is working out the setback on his property to allow his father to build on the property.

Zoning Board: There was a discussion on the concrete dumping in the township and there is a state law on littering which carries a $500.00 fine the township can incorporate into the Zoning Ordinances. The board will check on how best to incorporate this into the Zoning Ordinances and add something to the building permits.

Assessor’s Report: Assessor Thompson said he contacted Burleigh County about getting the Vangard software loaded onto his computer. There still remains the problem the township will have when a new assessor comes on board.

There was a request for retired farmer abatement for Anton & Theresa Schumacher @ 7301 Apple Creek Road. Mr. Thompson said he would have to do some research and report back @ the March meeting.

Building Inspector’s Report: Mr. Hillig reported he had 3 inspections. He will also need to contact Dan Murry to see if there has been any progress on getting a permit for any home for the property.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Moszer report there was a starting balance of $203,112.86 in checking. He had 2 deposits 1 a building permit and a check from Burleigh County for $28,649.53 and interest on the checking account of $19.51 for a total income for the month of $28,669.53. He had 2 bills   1 for  $2,130.79 for 2011 taxes and $51.00 for checks from Dakota Community Bank.  Total expenses for the month are $2181.79 giving an ending balance of $201,398.05. Treasurer Moszer recommended the township go back to using 1099’s for reporting wages for the township board members. Most of the members on the board do not make more than $600.00. After discussion Supervisor Selzler made a motion to approve the use of 1099’s for reporting wages paid to the township officers, 2nd by Supervisor Zent. The motion was unanimously approved wih Supervisors Zent and Selzler voting in favor of the motion.

Other Business: Mayor Johnson from Lincoln was as the meeting to discuss the proposed ETA for Lincoln. After a discussion it was decided to have township board members meet with Lincoln board members to work out a solution that will work for the City of Lincoln and Apple Creek Township. Mayor Johnson will contact the board members via the website or call the board & inform them of any upcoming meetings.

Clerk Meidinger said the following positions were up for election:
Supervisor Zent 3 year term, Zoning Board Kunz 2 year term, Clerk, Meidinger 2 year term.

Acting Chairman Selzler asked if there was any other business to discuss being none he adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Clerk ACT, Cyndy Meidinger


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