Regular Meeting


04/02/2012, 7:00PM

Members present:  Ken Selzler, Supervisor; Paul Zent, Supervisor; Jerry Kunz, Zoning Board Member; and Terry Mauch, Weed Board Member.  Roger Thompson, Assessor; JP Moszer, Treasurer/Road Supervisor; Greg Hillig, Building Inspector; and Elizabeth Patterson, Clerk, were also present.

Members absent:  Kerry Olson, Supervisor, and Rick Solberg, Zoning Board Member.

Supervisor Selzler opened the meeting and introduced members of the board who were recently elected at the township’s annual meeting.  Paul Zent was reelected supervisor, Jerry Kunz was reelected to the Zoning Board, and Elizabeth Patterson was elected clerk.  Supervisor Selzler said that the position of chairman of the board is rotated among the supervisors each year, and he will be the chairman for the upcoming year.

School Board report:  Tim Hagen, Apple Creek School Board Member, was called on to give the report.  Mr. Hagen said that the south portable is in need of new shingles.  The school board received three bids, the lowest being $2,895.98, which includes the removal of the existing shingles and application of new shingles.  Per the agreement between the township and the school board, Mr. Hagen was informing the township of the need for this facility improvement.  Supervisor Zent said that when the bill for the reshingling project comes due, the township will pay half the cost.  Mr. Hagen said the school board will proceed with the project.

Zoning Board:  Chairman Selzler opened the Zoning Board meeting. 

Supervisor Zent received from Houston Engineering a ratification of plat document regarding the Wheatland Hills 2nd Addition for the board’s approval and signature.  Zoning Board Member Kunz said it is not right to have a residential subdivision in the middle of industrial zones but questioned whether the township can really do anything about it.  Supervisor Zent made a motion to not sign the ratification of plat and return the document to Houston Engineering.  The motion was seconded by Chairman Selzler.  The motion passed with Supervisor Zent, Zoning Board Member Kunz, and Chairman Selzler voting in favor.

Assessor’s report:  Mr. Thompson said 352 notices of tax increase were recently sent to township residents.  Chairman Selzler said that some properties had considerable increases and that the increases will be discussed on an individual basis at the upcoming tax equalization meeting.  Supervisor Zent said that the township usually sees a 5%-10% increase in values each year and that the assessments are conducted in a cycle with each property being assessed about every four years.  Supervisor Zent said that the board might need to look at an across-the-board increase instead of large individual increases, and, if the county does not like it, all the township residents can address the county at its meeting in May. 

The board reviewed an application for abatement from Justin Paul, 6801 Derek Drive.  The applicant is asking for a two-year tax exemption.  Chairman Selzler asked Mr. Thompson to look at the application and report back to the board at its next meeting.

Building Inspector’s report:  Mr. Hillig issued the following permits:

• Jim Murray - modular home with attached garage at 11825 Lincoln Road. Valuation of work - $149,856
Permit - $1,054.41

• Jim Murray - stick frame building (dog kennels) at 11813 Lincoln Road.
Valuation of work - $140,000
Permit - $859.45

• Terry Martin - new home with attached garage at 10000 Pond Place.
Valuation of work - $152,180
Permit - $900.85

Nadir Torres addressed the board to seek approval for the plat for a home in the Mariner’s addition.  Mr. Torres purchased Lot 16 of the subdivision and then purchased two adjoining lots (Auditor’s Lot N & Auditor’s Lot O).  Discussion ensued regarding taxation issues and the fact that the township cannot add lots to this subdivision because of fire protection issues.  Chairman Selzler said he spoke with the City of Bismarck and indicated that the way to address the issues is to combine all three lots, which becomes Lot 16, for a total of 13.06 acres.  Supervisor Zent made a motion to approve the plat for Lot 16 of Mariner’s addition.  Chairman Selzler seconded the motion.  The motion passed with Supervisor Zent, Zoning Board Member Kunz, and Chairman Selzler voting in favor.

Chairman Selzler closed the Zoning Board meeting.

Weed Board report:  No report was made.

Treasurer’s report:  Mr. Moszer said the starting balance was $244,304.95, total deposits (building permits) were $2,839.71, and total checks written were $4,174.15 for an ending balance of $242,970.51.

Supervisor Zent made a motion to approve the bills.  The motion was seconded by Chairman Selzler.  The motion passed with Supervisor Zent and Chairman Selzler voting in favor.

Road Supervisor’s report:  Mr. Moszer said the board will soon conduct its road inspection and then coordinate with the county for gravel.

Mr. Moszer also reported that a residence on Beacon Drive has been getting water in the basement for the past three years.  Mr. Moszer has inspected the property and elevations have been taken and it appears that the land in the subdivision was improperly graded and does not provide for proper drainage.  The drainage issue is compounded by the fact that surrounding residences have built up their ditches in order to prevent flooding on their property.  Mr. Moszer said the original contractor was contacted regarding the issue, and the contractor said it is not the contractor’s problem--the subdivision was inspected and approved when developed.  Mr. Moszer said the county engineer has proposed a $10,000 stormwater drainage system.  Chairman Selzler said he hopes we can resolve this issue with the drainage system as a cost-share project and that the homeowner has been very patient and understanding.

Other business:  Mr. Moszer reminded residents that, according to township ordinances, any vehicle that is unlicensed and undrivable for more than a year is not to be left out on residents’ property.

Mr. Moszer also noted that a number of small businesses are popping up in the township and reminded residents that the business must be contained in the structures on residents’ property.

Chairman Selzler reminded everyone that the township’s annual tax equalization meeting will be held on Monday, April 9, 2012, at the Apple Creek School beginning at 7:00 pm.

Chairman Selzler asked if there was any other business before the board.  Seeing none, Chairman Selzler adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Patterson
Clerk, Apple Creek Township

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